Slum Dunk

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Lisa is now waiting for her ophthalmologist.

It's a been week since her Lasik Eye Surgery. Seunghyun got irritated because of her eye glasses again that he take Lisa to his ophthalmologist friend to do the Lasik on the spot.

Lisa doesn't have a choice that time when her brother gave her a death glared but she made Seunghyun that she still wear her thick specs which become a regular eye glasses for her sensitive eyes the reason she can't teach Jisoo today.

Last Monday

When Lisa came to school that day Dahyun got really shocked to see Lisa's bloody eyes she thought Lisa became a vampire over night that even Lisa's professor got worried and asked her to go home they got scared thinking that it's pink eye virus and students might get infected.

Lisa again doesn't have a choice so she went home and stay in her place for one week until her bloody eyes finally got healed Jisoo understand her situation but Lisa can't postpone her operation Jisoo so she message the older girl that it's not contagious like what she heard and just side effect of her new eye drop. Jisoo believesd her and she really needed Lisa and they just met outside the University so she can still teach Jisoo.


For one week Lisa and Jisoo became closer that they are telling jokes to each other through text, Jisoo feel so comfortable around Lisa that she thinks she have a crush on her nerd tutor but just a crush, Lisa's cute and adorable plus she's very intelligent and her smell is very addicting that sometimes Jisoo hopes Seulgi smells the same.

After 6 session of Lisa teaching Jisoo her grades really improved, she passed her seat works, pop quiz and all maths related subjects as a thank you she bought Lisa a camera strap with engraved LISA on it, Lisa loves it and started to use it the next day,

She also noticed that Lisa is indeed very sweet but she's not aware that she's being sweet. Jisoo told herself that she needs to stop comparing Seulgi to Lisa but she can't help it. Lisa always support Jisoo in her quizzes and exam unlike Seulgi telling Jisoo that she'll get 6/70 again.

Last time they had dinner. Jisoo's treat and Seulgi is very busy with practice cause University foundation is coming up and they have competition to other school so she asked Lisa to eat with her.

She wants to get to know Lisa but she's kinda shy asking cause Lisa is not asking her about personal life. Between them is just student-tutor-friend thing.

She want them to be like Jennie, cause she saw Jennie teasing Lisa always if the two will bump to each other in the cafeteria or school hallway or classroom she wants that too.



Jisoo laughed the way Jennie address her. "I was wondering if Lisa can go here on Monday? We don't have class and she needs to tutor me, I don't feel like going out and meet her in some coffeeshop"

"Sure, I noticed two became closer in just two weeks"

"She's really nice she she--"

"She smells so fucking good" Jennie continue, she knows Jisoo's weakness.

They both laughed.

"She smell like a baby Jen, to be honest after knowing her I feel like I met someone who kills my boredom every Monday, Wednesday and Friday"

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