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Riley's leg doesn't stop bouncing all through class and I wish I knew how to comfort her through this. By the end of English, our last class before lunch, she's ghostly white and her eyes are glassy. She trembles when the bell rings and the class starts to file out, headed for the cafeteria.

We have history with Matthews next. I already know that he'll realise something is wrong and I doubt that Riley will be able to hold it together. "Go to the nurse, honey," I advise her, arms around Riley's waist as we walk down the hall.

"Is she sick?" Farkle suddenly asks, causing us to jump.

Riley frowns, casting her eyes down to the floor, "I'm fine."

Farkle walks around us until he stops in front of Riley, cupping her cheek. "You don't look great, Riley."

She manages a smile, perking her whole body up. "I'm just a little sick, and then there's the essay I haven't finished so I'm worried about that. But I am fine, guys." She pulls away from both of us. "I'll meet you in the caf, I just need to stop by my locker first."

Farkle looks at me, silently asking if I know anything more. I shake my head, praying that he won't read me so easily. I walk a few steps with Farkle before stopping and sighing dramatically. "I need to get my phone from Harper, I meant to do it but she was talking to Jo and sent me out... God, some people..."

Farkle laughs, promising to save me the good food and walks off. I make a beeline straight for the lockers, and when Riley isn't there I text her. She responds within seconds, telling me she's in the bathrooms nearest the locker bay. I catch her inside and send three freshmen girls out with a wave of my hand. They scatter quickly and I lean on the door after they're out. "Riles?" I call, and the end stall unlocks. I watch as she walks out, tears streaked down her cheeks and I rush to hold her close. She smells of vomit, and I realise just how pale she's looks. "You're okay," I murmur repeatedly, hoping to somehow convince her.

After a moment or two, Riley pulls away and leans against the wall, hiding the graffiti scratched into the paint; 'H+K,' it says, underneath the words 'lets blow this joint!' A scary sentiment if you think too hard on it.

Her brown eyes watch the mosquitoes buzzing around the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, "You are going home," I tell her. She doesn't argue, allowing me to guide her out of the bathroom and down to the nurse's office. The day drags on so slowly after Riley leaves. Cory had to take her home and when he got back in time for class he was clearly distracted. I was just glad that she left after lunch and not before because school is unbearable without her. I head straight to Riley's when the final bell rings, not wasting any time on pretending.

"Have you done it yet?"

Riley jumps at my voice, eyes not really focusing on anything. Her response is delayed, as though her mind is buffering, waiting to catch up and figure out what to say. Slowly, Riley begins to shake her head. "I've been too scared. I don't think I want to know anymore."

"Okay." I climb into bed with Riley, tucking the covers right up to my armpits. Her brown hair is spilt over her pillows, creating odd patterns against the light blue sheets. The two of us sit in silence, each distracted by our thoughts and finding quiet comfort in the other's presence.

I'm not sure how long we've laid here for but after a long stretch of stillness on the other side of the bed, I glance over. Riley's eyes are shut, her face a peaceful mask. For a moment, I don't dare to breathe; then I remember how deep a sleeper she is and I haul myself out of her bed. My muscles are solid as I stand, begging to be stretched and I stumble my way out. I figure that I'll just head to Topanga's and see if the others are still there and maybe get some homework done.

Love at a Price (re-write?) -  a GMW Joshaya ficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin