Chapter 1

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Phoebe* (played by picture above)

Finally it's senior year. I've been waiting for this day since 9th grade. Don't get me wrong I don't dislike school, it's just the kids I really don't care for. I don't get "bullied" ya know like being shoved into lockers type bullying but I hear the rumors spread about me & I see the way the "mean girls" look at me. i've always just shrugged it off & kept to myself i'm nit one for big crowds anyway. i'm very shy, I have anxiety so i'm pretty to myself. I have one bestfriend i've known since, well as long as I can remember. Amber. Unfortunately she does not go to my school which kinda sucks for me because I have no idea how to be social & make friends. No i'm not a total loner I have a few acquaintances but I wouldn't consider them besties they're just like school friends.

beep beep beep

My thoughts were interrupted by my alarm clock.

Awe damn here we go.

6 o'clock in the morning, boy am I excited to not have to get up this early EVER again. sheesh. I dragged myself out of bed & into my bathroom, I brushed my teeth, washed my face & brushed my long knotted hair letting it go natural. I put on some mascara & brushed through my eyebrows lightly with some eyebrow gel. I walk into my closet & decide to wear my black ripped skinny jeans with my grey thrasher hoodie. I slipped on my freshly bought red classic vans, put some hoops in my ears & applied some lip gloss. I grasped my things & headed downstairs. Everyone was gone already, like always so I just grabbed an apple & headed out the door. I got in my white jeep wrangler & headed to school.

arrived to school

Once I arrived to school I had about 20 minutes to spare, so I just sat in my car & listened to music. Luckily I only had 2 classes today & then I could go home. I turned on Kendrick Lamar Poetic Justice & closed my eyes relaxing, vibing  along to the music. I was interrupted by my friend Sam knocking on my window. I smiled shaking my head unlocking the door. "hey girl! how are you?" Sam exclaimed "hey Sam, i'm doing well how about yourself" i'm smiled chuckling to myself. "i'm doing great, can you believe we're seniors this year?!" she said, I shook my head "honestly no it's crazy how fast time flew it's like we were just freshman not too long ago" I laughed remembering how cringy I was. She nodded her head in agreement. I glanced over at my radio clock & saw it was 7:10 & the bell rang at 7:20 so we got out & headed for the building.

oh how I did not miss this school one. fucking. bit.

Rolling my eyes & mentally barfing I opened the door to hell- I mean school & started walking towards my class. Luckily I had Sam in both my classes today so I wouldn't be an anxious mess walking into a class of kids by myself not knowing anyone. We got to our first class which was Government, we sat in the middle section & waited for the bell to ring. I pulled my phone out & started scrolling through twitter, I suddenly get a text message but it's from an unknown number. hmm.

unknown: have a great day at school baby make sure you behave. -xoxo J


Maybe this person has the wrong number.

Me: hi uhm i'm sorry I think you have the wrong number:( have a good day!

oh well.

I was about to put my phone away when it buzzed in my hand, I quickly pull it out furrowing my eyebrows reading the text from this mystery person.

unknown: oh no I have the right number kitten I am full aware of who I am texting, see you later baby but you won't see me<3

My heart began to race. What the hell is going on. Shaking my head I put my phone away, it's probably some weirdo pranking me or something nothing to stress about. I take out my notebook & pen & I begin to take down notes. Before I know it the bell rang & everyone jumped up. I quickly put my supplies away & rose from my seat grabbing my bags looking to see Sam already waiting for me so we can walk to our next class. "so what'd you think of the Gov teacher?" Sam asked as we make our way throw the mosh pit of kids "she seems pretty nice" I shrugged dazed still thinking about the text I received earlier. "hey are you ok? you seem kind of out of it, you were super quiet back there?" Sam asked with concern in her voice "oh it's nothing i'm fine, just sleepy" I cracked a sly smile trying to seem somewhat convincing so she stops questioning. She nodded her head & sighed entering our next class. English 12. Boring.

Sam & I find our way to some seats. I sit down taking out a notebook & pen prepared to fake any notes the teacher tasks us to do. The teacher puts up a powerpoint of the board & I soon start writing down the notes word by word getting lost in my note taking.


My head shoots up. Wow. Class is already over? I must've been really focused. Shaking my head I gather all of my things together & head for the door Sam & I go our separate ways as I make my way for the parking lot. I make my way to my jeep but I stop dead in my tracks when I notice something very strange. unsettling. I slowly approach my car & see there is a boutique of a dozen roses on the from seat of my car...I locked my car before going into school how is that even possible for one & two who the hell left me flowers. I pick up the flowers to see a card underneath. I pick up the card & read what it says

My sweet princess,
I hope you had an amazing day I can't wait to see you;)
-xoxo J

My heart immediately sank into my stomach.

I look over my shoulder & all around feeling very unsettled. I throw the flowers along with the card in my backseat & speed off. I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I pick up my phone & see I have a text from that same unknown number.

Unknown: I hope you liked the flowers baby I picked them out special just for you because you're my sweet princess. & don't worry there's more where that came from. -xoxo J

Feeling my stomach turn I quickly reply

Me: I don't know who this is but leave me alone i'm only going to warn you once. stop bothering me or I will call the police.

I hit send & continue to drive home.

Once I arrived home I quickly went in the house shutting & locking the door behind me. I looked around the house, looking in rooms making sure I didn't have anymore surprises. I grabbed a snack sitting on the couch turning the tv on watching Jersey Shore: Family Reunion. I felt my eyes growing heavy & I soon drifted off to sleep.

Hello I thought i'd try out a new story:) I know it's kinda slow but I have some great ideas for this book so stick with me!!!

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