Chapter 10 - Stubbornness of a King

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“Black?!” yelled John as he rush toward him. Raising his head off the floor, he lightly tap his cheeks in hope that he would regain consciousness. “Wake up Black! We need you. What’s coming? What was that noise? Come on Black, wake up!” 

Getting their composure back, Bervard and Philip both stopped fighting. Philip’s face showed sign of remorse for what he tried to do to, to a now petrified Edwin. “I’m sorry,” was all he could muster to his subordinate as he turned his back on him and headed in the direction of the king. 

King Bervard, was a different story. His face and demeanor along with body language, all showed signs that this wasn’t over. Malvin knew this. Taking a couple steps back from his king, Malvin didn’t dare for once sheath back his sword. With sword still in hand both allies, now turned enemies, backed away from the other with caution and weapon still in hand. Bervard, advancing backwards towards Nek corpse to inspect it, did not dare for once turn his back toward Malvin. Not because he feared the young lad would strike, but because he wanted to make sure Malvin knew that this was far from over. Malvin did the same, but not for the same reasons as the king. He knew he was now and enemy of the king and any opportunity giving, the king would take it. 

Approaching from behind, Philip tap Malvin’s shoulders. Startled, Malvin turned to see a downcast commander. “Rejoin Robert and stay by his side,” said he to Malvin. Continuing his walk toward king Bervard, together they inspected the dead creature’s corpse. There were no signs of blood from its recent wounds. Not even from the arrow that went straight through its vocal cord. It was as if it died years ago and the remains were preserved. 

“What do we do?” asked John of the other lieutenants as limited time was all they had. 

Rejoining Robert, Malvin, looked to him for orders, “Robert?”

“I’d say we abandon camp. We take only essentials, weapons. The rest we leave behind.” Advised Robert. “John you go and convince the king to lift camp. He won’t want to leave. In his current state any orders he give will be our doom. Tell him we’ll head for the castle and will have whatever’s out there chase us to it. If he ask why, tell him it is so that everyone can witness his glory and might. In other words, tickle his ego. Smith, in the meantime debrief Philip on the side. Whatever is on its way here, we’re no match for. Tell him,” Robert though about threatening to brake rank, “tell him all that Black told us. But be brief we don’t have time.” 

With that, both lieutenants departed to fulfill their comrade orders. Robert stayed with Black who was still unconscious and whose nose now started to bleed. Malvin who was now far from danger, put away his sword and wondered if he did the right thing. “You did what you could Malvin.” Robert interrupted. “This is not your fault. The fault is mines and Smith for sensing something wasn’t right and yet saying nothing about it. And if Nek was the one sent to assassinate the king, you did well keeping him far from it.” 

Although Robert was right, Malvin was unable to feel guiltless. Guilt not for the king, but for Robert. He saw it before, and it was bought to happen again. Robert was nearing the point of no return. He was becoming that man, that torturer that he witness in that forest years ago. The way Robert was staring at the king said it all. And he knew exactly what was going on in his mind. Vengeance. Scenes of torture. Of revenge. If ever the king did or manages to do what he sought to do just now “to me, you’ll kill him without hesitating. Wouldn’t you, Robert? Papa?” That’s what Robert was really to him. Though they weren’t related, he cared more for him than his previous father; and his wife’s kindness reminded Malvin of his own mother. “You promised Robert. You promised.” Said Malvin, referring to Roberts’ promise to never go dark again. 

“Countless men have died because of his follies of glory. You shall not be one of them. I’ll end him if he ever tries. This I swear to you.” Said Robert as he raised his head to look up at Malvin. 

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