Chapt. 13

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The sound of a booming voice awoke me from my dreamless sleep.

"What do you mean he's coming?!" Sawyers unmistakable voice sounded through the thin brown door.

"I can't deal with this right now Connor, I'm trying to keep Avery safe." Connor? Could it be my Connor from Chancellor high?

Just add this to the list of questions I have. Like what happened to Bethany after Sawyer left, why was he expelled from Chancellor high originally, and why did he come back? I settled the discussion in my head with a mental agreement to ask him when I had the chance.

In the process of getting lost within my own head I hadn't realized Sawyer was walking in.

"Oh good Kitten you're awake, I went out and bought some breakfast." He set the bag on the small coffee table.

"How did you sleep?" I made my way to the table to fetch some food.

"My back hurts but I'd rather you have the bed." Last night Sawyer took the couch so I could sleep comfortably. I was too tired to argue, but now I just felt bad.

"I'm sorry Saw." I apologized, stuffing my face with a blueberry muffin.

"Its'kay. So what did you want to do today?" We talked a bit about our choices but settled on staying in for the day. A nice relaxing day away from everyone might be what we needed.

About halfway through a really good action movie I zoned out. Sawyer must have noticed, "You okay Kitten?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I was just thinking." I admitted. Maybe now was my chance to ask him my questions.

"About what?" He turned his body to face mine, pausing the movie.

"Well I have some questions." He nodded signalling me to continue.

"Well, the day you returned my friends said you were kicked out, why?" He thought over what he was going to say before replying.

"Okay well before the whole thing went down with Mark I used to fight a lot. I could never fight my dad so I took out my anger on other kids. Mark saw this in me when he made the deal. There were some complications with a shipment and Mark lost it. He started throwing punches at everyone, including myself. This is when I figured I needed to leave. He made me a deal that I wouldn't have to work with him directly if I moved." I took careful measures to form my next question.

"So why are you back now?" He waited a while before answering, I almost thought he forgot the question.

"A friend of mine told me Mark was causing some trouble in town and I am the only one who could take care of it." He didn't even blink when answering.

"What happened to your sister Bethany?" This one hit him hard, a pained expression crossed his features and he stumbled a bit on his words.

"S-she used to live here. In town. W-when M-mark went crazy my mom wanted her out of town. S-so they moved to Florida." So that explains his choice to come here.

"I'm guessing you didn't go because you had to watch over Mark.?" He nodded, recovering quickly from a harsh question.

"So when do we look for Bethany?" I asked eating more of the muffin I had forgotten about.

"We will start soon enough, I have some business to take care of." I knew it had something to do with the conversation I over heard but I didn't know how it all fit together.

"You mean with whoever is coming here that you don't want?" He visibly tensed.

"How do you know about that?" His gaze hardened, it honestly scared me a bit. 

"I-i o-over heard y-your c-conversation this morning." He relaxed a hit but was still furious I had found out.

"Avery it's nothing you need to worry about." Now it was my turn to be mad.

"Sawyer you have kept me in the dark for too long. I'm tired of you trying to protect me! Tell me what the hell is going on right now." I demanded.

He ran his fingers through his hair and over his face, "fine, because we left there was no proof to put your father behind doors and your mother wont testify against him so he's been released. He found out where we're headed because of my cellphone and is on his way." He said it all in one breath like it would lessen the sting of the blow.

"Holy shit. We have to run." I was panicking and started haphazardly packing our bags that were hardly unpacked.

"Kitten sit down, I'm not going to let him hurt you. He's already too close by now." I didn't know how to comprehend this. We had just gotten away, this wasn't supposed to be this way.

"Look Ave he won't be here for a few more days okay. I have some friends coming and they're going to help me take care of him while you go off with a their girlfriends okay?" He ran his hands up and down my arms attempting to comfort me.

"You aren't going to kill him right?" Even though he abused me for years without restraint he was still my father and I didn't want that kind of blood on Sawyers hands either.

A/n I'm so sorry I suck at updating regularly. I decided to give you some more back ground on Sawyer and I uploaded a picture of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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