Chapt. 8

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There was a loud annoying beeping noise that filled the room. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, it wouldn't stop. When I came to my senses I realized it was Sawyer's alarm clock. 

Without opening my eyes I rolled over to shut it off. That's when I realized there was a large weight on my chest and lower abdomin. I opened my eyes to see a rather sleepy and bedheaded Sawyer cuddling me.

I wanted to enjoy the peaceful moment, any other girl would. I was going to wake him up when I realized I wasn't frozen out of fear. Normally touches like this send me in to a state of shock, but his didn't. My heartbeat was fairly normal and I wasn't having a panic attack. 

I gently tapped him on his shoulder, "Hey Sawyer wake up." He didn't so I tapped him a little harder, "Sawyer!" He still wouldn't wake. Finally I shook him, "Sawyer get up!" I yelled. It might have been over the top a bit but I was hungry. 

He jumped up and frantically looked around the room. "What's going on? What happened? Are you alright?" All his thoughts came rushing out into a few short questions one right after the other. "Yes, Sawyer, I'm fine." I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Oh my god Kitten you can't do that to me. I thought something bad had happened."

We both finally made it out of bed after Sawyers near heart attack. Getting ready didn't take either of us long so he suggested we go out for breakfast.

"What would you like Kitten?"

"I'll take a breakfast burrito and coffee black please."

"Sure thing." He turned to the cashier and repeated my order and his.

"So Sawyer can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." He grabbed our meals and sat down to a table.

"What did you mean a few days ago when you said you sort of knew about.." My sentance trailed off as I got lost in thought. He seemed to catch where I was going.

"Well I noticed you flinching when your friends tried hug you and when I caught your attention the first time you seemed unnaturally scared. Like you thought I would hurt you." He sounded as if he were recalling a memory, not one from a few weeks ago.

"Have you been watching me?" I was genuinely curious and a bit scared that he might have been stalking me.

"No Kitten, I thought you were gorgeous so you caught my attention. These are just things I picked up on." I let the conversation drop there.

We finished up our semi-awkward breakfast and headed to school.

"Hey I'll see you later okay?"

"Where are you going?"

"I have some business to attent to. I'll be here to take you home okay?"

"Does this have to do with what you told me the other night? I don't want you doing anything dangerous okay Sawyer."

He nodded and drove off. I wasn't convinced he wouldn't do anything dangerous. He would have promised he wouldn't if what he was going to do wasn't dangerous.

To ease the anxiousness I felt I promissed myself the next time he goes off like that I'm following him. I figure if he is preocupied with his 'business' he won't notice I'm there.

The school day went by quickly and in no time I was sat in Sawyer's passenger seat.

"So how was school Kitten?"

"It was boring I brought you your make up work. Where did you go Sawyer?"

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat a bit. "I went went out to go get a friend some things.."

"So in other words you were doing another drug deal or something for those guys?"

"Not exactly but lets not talk about it. I assume you're staying another night so why don't we watch a movie?"

That's exactly what we did, although I couldn't tell you what the movie was about. I was focused on Sawyers health. I noticed his limp has gotten worse and there are cuts on his arm that he keeps trying to cover. What is making him hide this from me?


After the movie had finished and we cleaned up I headed to bed. As I was leaving the living room Sawyer looked like he was waiting for me to ask him to sleep with me again. I did want him to, but I just couldn't. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight and I don't want to keep him awake. 

So I headed to bed alone and didn't get a wink of sleep. The next morning was a blur. I know Sawyer walked me to class and he drove me home but I can't remember what happened inbetween that time.

I suppose Sawyer saw that I hadn't been that happy so we are now at a park.

"Kitten lets go swing!" He sounded like a little boy.

"Okay fine." I pretended to pout. He took my hand and led me over to the swings. 

We were people watching while we held hands on the swings, just talking about everything.

Out of nowhere Sawyer's grip on my hand tightened and he spoke up "Let's go Kitten."

"What why Sawyer? It's nice out."

"Listen to me, we need to leave."

"You're scaring me Sawyer, what's going on." He didn't have to reply for me to figure it out. I saw father across the street towards us. 

"What the hell is going on here!" He practically screamed at us. I stood up only to have my path blocked by Sawyer.

"Sir I think we should take this some where else. There are children around." Sawyer tried reasoning with father.

"I don't give a shit if there are kids, my daughter needs to come home now!" He grabbed Sawyers arm and tried to yank him from his spot in front of me. Sawyer stood his ground. 

"Father no! Stop!" I tried to move to get inbetween them. Sawyer pushed me back behind him while father tried to swing at Sawyers face. Sawyer reached a hand up to stop him, while father brought his other fist back and swung at his abdomin.

All I could do was watch this happen, I heard screaming but couldn't tell if it was from me. My friend and my father fighting it out on a playground. 

Finally someone came and pulled the two apart, Sawyer didn't hesitate to come rushing to me. "Are you alright Kitten?" I ignored his question as I checked out his face for reasurrance he was okay. We were both in our own little world making sure the other was okay.

With either of us too preocupied to watch my father it took us both by surprise when he yanked me by my arm. "You little whore let's go so you don't fuck any other guys." I noticed that the guys who tried to help we now laying unconsious on the ground.

I didn't want any harm to come to Sawyer so I told him not to come after me, I will never forget his face. He looked almost broken and lost. A flash of irritation crossed his features, I'm sure it was towards my father and I for all of this mess.

I knew what was coming anyways and if I defied father now it would only get worse. So I let him take me back to the house where I was sure to get what I deserved for running away to Sawyers appartment for three days.

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