Chapt. 3

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All day at school I couldn't help but let my mind wander to the events of earlier this morning. 

Why did Sawyer not come to school?

Where was Sawyer headed?

I decided that if I wanted to know I would have to do a bit of FBI work, he wasn't exactly the more open of the bunch. 

As soon as my last class bell rang I sped to my locker desperate to get home and figure all of this out. I gathered all I needed and bolted out the front door. I started along the path to my building when I heard a set of shoes fall in to step with my own. 

Curious as to whom it may be I glanced up only for my sight to be met with the one and only, Sawyer.

"Why are you walking all alone Kitten?"

I was shocked by the fact he was here. With me again. Walking me home, again. Not to mention that he was done, with what ever he was doing instead of school, to walk me home. I stared blankly at him trying to think of something to say. What do you even say to someone who ditched school for something that seemed a bit sketchy, and you know they won't tell you if you ask.

"I just wanted to get home, I guess." I decided to see what he would tell me, maybe give me a head start to figuring him out. "where were you all day? I didn't see you at school."

"Oh. I just had to run a few erands for the parents, nothing you need to worry your pretty head about sweetheart." His raspy voice mixed with the complimen distracted me from the situation at hand.

I blushed furiously, "oh well you missed a lot in class, I can give you your missing assignments." "If you want" I added.

"Sure thing Kitten, come over later?"

"Oh um I can' can't" I studdered, if my parents found out about me going over to a boys house no matter the reason I'd be dead.

"Why not?" He looked so upset I felt horrible but what am I supposed to do?

" I have to do chores.."

"How about after Kitten?" I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to upset him again so I agreed. After we said goobye I hurried inside hoping my parents didn't see.

"Avery is that you?" My mom yelled from one of the back rooms.

"Yeah mom it's me!" I went straight to the kitchen to see what we had to eat. I sat down and started my homework. Not too long after I heard the phone ring.

"Hello?"  I guess mom answered it

"Sure she's here...yes I'll go get her!" Who was on the other side of the phone and why did they want to talk to me.

"Avery theres a boy on the phone for you! Don't let your father find out!" I ran out of my room anxious to see whom it could be.


"Hey Kitten, are you done with your chores yet?" Oh shit it was Sawyer wanting to come over

"Uh..yeah I am." Could I sound any more shaken up?

"Can I come over then?" "Um..sure..yeah" After we bid goodbye I started to pull out all the notes we would need.

 He showed up clad in a button down shirt and his black skin tight jeans.

"Hello Kitten nice place you've got here."

"Thanks so I pulled out all the notes here." We sat down on the couch and started working on it. 


"So you understand this then?" I asked making sure I explained his homework well enough.

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