Chapt. 12

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A/n before you read I want to let you know I wrote this on my phone and haven't edited it yet so I apologize

"Avery wake up!" I felt someone shaking me frantically. I tried to roll over and ignore the incessant noise of them yelling.

"Avery we need to leave now." I heard the panic in the voice attempting to awaken me. I opened my eyes to see Sawyer leaning over the middle console.

"What's wrong Saw?" My voice thick with sleep for it was still dark out.

"Your fathers found us. He took a picture of my license plate we need to ditch the car." He had my seatbelt already undone and was opening my door from across me.

"H-how'd he find us?" I was the one panicking now. I couldn't wrap my head around how father had tracked us. We had been so careful.

"I think you must have left your phone on." Sawyer was stepping out his own door.

"Sawyer..I-I don't have a phone." He stopped, one foot out the door one foot in the car, to look me dead in the eye.

"What do you mean? I found your little blackberry in the bag. It started ringing early this morning." He reached behind his seat I assume to grab the phone.

He pulled out the small device and handed it to me. "Is this not yours Ave?" The questioning look he gave me said my answer was important.

"Never seen this." His face changed from questioningly to pure shock.

"Shit. This means it was planted in your bag somehow and your father was tracking us all along." He bit his lip attractively in concentration.

"Why wou-" I was caught off mid sentence by a large hand wrapping itself around Sawyers collar and dragging him out of the car.

"You little shit! You stole my daughter noe I'm taking something from you!" Father, father had finally found us and was taking his revenge out on Sawyer.

I tried to stop him. I heard screaming but I had no time to know if it was mine. Father had pulled out a small black gun from his pants and was holding it at Sawyer.

"Father no please!" I begged hoping he'd have mercy. It was of no avail, the bullet struck Sawyer in his stomach.

It was like time stopped. I couldn't focus on anything Sawyer, the only person who's cared for me, was dying. He was already on the ground by the time I made it to his side.

"I'm sorry" we both said at the same time.

"You go first Kitten." He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"This is all my fault. I'm so-" Sawyer wouldn't have it he interrupted with his own confession.

"Don't. I love you okay, I wanted to help and I'm glad I did. Don't go with him okay. Stay free Kitten, always. I will be with you from now and I'll wait for you."

I noticed I was crying by the end of his soliloquy. Sawyers face contorted to something of pain right before he said the weirdest statement, "Avery wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Sawyer leaning to me over the console. I had a flash of the beginning of my dream, this caused me to grab my bag. I searched through the small backpack but came up empty handed.

Relief flooded through me. I repeated the phrase it's only a dream several times. I leaned back in my seat to see a very confused Sawyer watching me with careful eyes.

"You okay Kitten?" I nodded slowly. He didn't look convinced but proceeded in pulling out a cigarette.

"I just had a bad dream." I watched as the attractive boy in the seat next to me contently puffed smoke out of his mouth.

"Like what you see?" His smirk told me he had been watching me through the corner of his eye. I blushed furiously and turned away. "What was your dream about anyways?" He turned so he could gauge my reactions.

I began top tell him the entirety of my dream. He sat there nodding and smoking, no judgement in his eyes. After I had finished he looked genuinely worried.

I didn't want to see what that look could turn in to so I cast my gaze downward. I felt a hand wrap its way around my back and pull me to his lap.

"Avery I won't let anything happen to you. Your father is gone and so are we. I will protect you with everything o have okay. I care about you more than o care for life itself. I'm not entirely sure on how you feel for me but goddamn Avery I have never felt this way about anyone. I-I think I love you."

I was looking down the whole time, when the last words slipped past his mouth I looked up. My jaw dropped in awe, the towns bad boy love me. The boy who's taken care of me since the day he met me cares for me.

"Please say something Kitten." His eyes pleading me for any words.

"I-I love you too Saw." He gently grabbed my face with his calloused hands and kissed me. This kiss was filled with such passion and such lust that I couldn't stop.

I felt like an addict, what he gave only made me want more. I kissed him back with all the feelings I could put in to it.

His hands trailed down from my face to my sides. Mine gradually found its way in to his hair and tangled themselves in the unruly mess.

His hands trailed their way up and down my sides, his tongue dominating mine. This kiss was cut short, not to my liking, by the boy. "We should take things slow Avery. I want to do this right."

"Alright, yeah let's take it slow." I nodded in agreement hopping to my seat. We both buckled up for the rest of our journey.

"I just need to find a hotel room for us. We're in Florida!" He seemed elated by this. His whole fave lighting up. He had finally done what he wanted, taken the poor girl away from her horrible home.

"I can't believe it. Sawyer you did it." I was in shock, we were on our way to freedom.

"No Kitten, we did it." He flashed me the biggest most beautiful smile. I made a mental vow to keep that smile on his face because it belonged there. He deserved all the happiness I could give.

"I don't want to spend all the money we have so we'll stay here for now okay?" The motel he pulled up to was a bit run down but it wasn't the worst.

"I don't care where we are as long as I'm with you Saw." He smiled harder at his new nickname while he was reaching for my hand. The moment our fingers liked together was the moment I swear we were invincible.

A/n I'm so sorry guys for not writing. I had writers block for a while bug I'm back. I'll try to write regularly from now on. Love you all. Comment and vote!


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