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I walked down to my dorm, number 63. I could hear the footsteps a blond girl behind me. She was following me. I sighed and headed inside my dorm. I waited till I heard the girl leave, and walked over to my bunk. She was the girl who glared at the girl from Special teaching/Alpha class,  when she waved back at me. I could tell that she had a crush on me. According to her mark, she was the Alpha of Love. When the coast was clear, I walked out and headed to the cafe.

Right when I walked in, I saw her. She had long light brown hair, white ears, white streak in her hair. She was with a demon, who was eating a sucker. I walked over to the register and ordered an eclair. I sat down in a seat a couple tables away from her. I started to eat while thinking. 

Suddenly, I saw the two girls tense in sync. In front of them, was the girl from before. She looked mad. She was talking smack, I can tell. I saw the werewolf say something to her, which made the girl get madder. She went to punch the werewolf when-

"Hey!" the girl exclaimed. Her arm was in mid punch, vines from the earth stopping them. The werewolf looked surprised, but kept her calm and threw the heart alpha away from them. The werewolf stood up, as with the demon, and walked away.

"Wait!" I yelled. The girls stopped and turned around. When I caught up with them, I said "I was coming to say, that was amazing". The girl smiled. "Thanks!" The demon glared at me. The werewolf didn't seem to notice. "Whats your name?" She asked. "Blaze." I answered. She smiled and put out her hand. "Nice to meet you! I'm Emma" she gestured to her friend. "And this is Ava!" Ava still scowled at me. "Well uh, nice to meet you Emma and Ava!" I said nervously. I waved and walked away.

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