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"Hello class! Welcome to Magic High!!" the teacher said. I sat beside my new friend, Ava. We were both reading our schedules. "Hmm. We have most of the same classes except this one" I said. The class was named "Special teaching class". It seemed like a class for people who were stupid. I wasn't stupid. Across from us, was the barbie, which we learned her name was Julian. "Ha! Special teaching class! You ARE an idiot!!" She said between snickers. "Aren't you in the Extra help class Julian?" Ava said back. Julian looked surprised. "Maybe. But that doesn't mean she isn't an idiot" She said while her face boiled with rage. "Stop talking you three!" the teacher said, looking at us. We sat in silence.

 "Welcome to Species learning class! Here, you will be learning about the other species that roam this Earth! Well, except from Humans and animals that aren't classified as magical. This week, we will be learning about Felincius, or the feline species. These are the cat species." The teacher said. "Ha!" Julian whispered to us. "We are talking about ME first! Probably because we are so powerful!" "Now, the Felines are classified as the weakest species" Me and Ava snickered as Julian sat in disbelief. "But, they can be deadly. Their claws can hurt their enemies, and they do have another form. Good felines, ones that do good, are the Felincius Angelisus, or Angel cats, and ones who do bad are classified as Felincius Demonisis, or Demon cats. They can be powerful. They have killed many...." The teacher droned on. Suddenly, the bell rang as she began to talk about the history of the Felincius. "Ok class!! Tomorrow, we will be learning more about the Felincius!" The teacher said as we walked out the door.

 "Man, that class was long" I said. "Yeah. I was about to fall asleep. Whats our next class?" Ava said as she rubbed her eyes. I yawned as I pulled out the schedule. "Transformation class. Guess we are finding what we truly are. We walked inside the classroom. It looked like a regular classroom, with a door leading outside. "Hello everybody. Welcome to transformation class. Today we are going to be seeing basic forms of our students." The teacher said. Me and Ava sat next to a girl. She had blonde hair. She hid her wings, but I could see her Halo. An Angel. She looked different from Julian. Julian had way to much makeup and wore inappropriate clothes. This girl wore a pink sweater and had a barrette on. She was talking to two other people. The boy had blood red eyes like Ava, and had his demon tail showing. His mouth was covered. The other girl had her wings showing, they were angel wings, but they were black. Her halo was black as well. A fallen angel. They all seemed similar, how they acted. The girl saw me staring, and smiled. "Hi! I'm Jessica! This is James-" The boy looked up and nodded. "And that's KC!" The girl smiled and waved. "Hello. I'm Emma, and this is my friend Ava." Emmasaid, gesturing to Ava. Ava was, again, eat a Sucker. The kids looked at each other, and seemed to be talking, without talking.

"Ok! Who's first?" The teacher said. Julian raised her hand. "I want to show everyone how beautiful I am." Julian said as she struck a pose. Me and Ava sighed. This girl was so annoying. "Ok. Just focus your energy in your body." the teacher said. We took a step back. The room became dark as power fused through her. When the darkness fades, we see her form. She was a Felincius Demonisis, or a demon cat. The color of her is pink. Her eyes are like a demons, except they were pink. She had a scythe as well. "Very good! Felincius Demonisis is very common, but her pink eyes are not common." the teacher said. Throughout the class period, everybody transformed, the teacher looked at me. She looked at me and said "You may not transform today." she said. That's how the day went. When it was my turn to show who I was, the teacher said I couldn't. Finally, 7th period came. Special teaching class. Everybody there was confused on why they were there. "Hello students. You may be confused on why your here." The teacher said. "Um, yeah! I ain't dumb, so I don't belong here!" a boy said. He had red hair. "Yes. This is not a class to help you with school work. This is about the mark on your cheeks." The teacher said. Everybody, including me, looked around at each other. We noticed that everybody had some kind of mark. "Yes. You guys aren't regular werewolves" the teacher said, smiling. "You are the destined Alpha Wolves.

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