coast guard

7 0 0

in the dark I lie back
thinking of when I first heard such
desolate presence
turning and pounding at a near - yet far - shore
changed utterly by a storm
quietly raving; crashing and
eroding time
beneath heaps of stones,
under hiding stars.

that sound - oblivious to men -
is no friend of
everything we stand for;
everything we hold dear.

there was only just a TV signal,
a small open fire had warmed
our perched and smokey, stony home
and life was newly fired but now so fragile
where our family clan lay -
except for I -
the next bleak and random space between each close 
and far-off breaker.

it really is our dark earth; our troubled sea
conspiring against us;
expelling or at least
getting it all out, or... something.

under such siege
the world slept on warmly
thru that loosening, booming night...
then i too...
buried deeply in between -
and found snug rest
within oblivion...


a brand new day -
bound to come back beyond the dark
to herald -

brave but fresh adventures
for our needy spirits, surging
to ride out again; to seek the source
of all that restless power
beneath the near and steady horses of
our parents love.

you know
the memory of those waves -
and my fear -
all turned over; changed;
into bright wet sand; seaweed wreckage,
running - to tame a land
of windy, fresh mornings,
ransacked and renewed
for quick plunder together
as the waves worked on, distracted;
so far out -

we stole their treasures while they regrouped -
hushed; more settled now - but still...
and ever since -
I think on it -

that sound - cementing us -
in one fiercer realm; that time
ruled by timeless, unstoppable stallions
forever charging, rising,
spilling... and commanding -
from their distance in the dark -
smothered yet ever present
beyond the measured law of each and every day
since childhood...

since the music and voices grew up all around us,
pulled us
and we drowned.




acknowledgments: ts eliot & jim morrison

in ash on the sand (last burnt poems)Where stories live. Discover now