Ali: yes Shea you got Emerson?

Shea: yes.

We walk back to the cars we head to the house josh is making lunch it's 1:34 it's the twins favorite food.

Ali: I can't believe the girls are out of high school.

Emily: I know baby.

I park the car the kids run inside we walk in after them.

Emily: Josh it smells so good!

Josh: thanks man.

There friends know thank god cause before that sucked.

Brea: Blake is coming over mom.

Ali: ok.

Blake moves back in with her parents they finally excepted her for who she is her and Brea are still going strong.

Ali: where are your friends?

Shea: there coming mom.

Ali: ok.

I walk to the living room with all the adults.

Pam: so how does it feel?

Ali: I'm very sad I love them so much.


I pick him up and put him on my hip.

Emerson: mommy!

Shea: yes baby?

Emerson: love you!

Shea: aw thank you baby.

Brea: Shea there here!!

I walk to the door to greet her friends.

Ali: congratulations guys group pictures!!

Emily: yes!

I take a picture of all of them I wipe my tears.

Blake: we made it babe!

Brea: yes we did!

Josh: lunch is ready please sit!

We all sit at the table I poor myself some water I clank my glass.

Ali: I just wanted to say congratulations to all you girls especially Brea! I'm so proud of you girls I remember when you guys could barely talk.

Emily: good times!

I hit her arm.

Ali: you guys have grown into beautiful women I know you guys will do great things. I love you girls so much!

We cheers to them and eat the food is so good.

Emma: so are you guys having anymore kids?

Emily: no we are done!

I look at her she kisses my cheek I smile I have to tell her or I could just let figure it out on her own. Yeah the second one sounds better but she's going to be mad but she says she doesn't want another baby. What the fuck am I going to do!

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