Chapter 15

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Emily's pov

It's been 4 hours I still haven't heard anything from the doctor about Ali. I can't stop the tears this is all my fault I should have moved fast I get up and walk around.

Emily: fuck!

The twins are sleeping and Lex is in the stroller the twins don't know anything I walk to the bathroom I take out my phone and press record.

Emily: ok so hey guys today is Alison and I anniversary were at the hospital. Alison got shot the doctors have not said anything yet I'm trying to keep it together for the kids. We got married today I surprised her please keep her in your prayers.

I end the video I upload it I walk back to the girls I see the doctor talking to them I run up to them.

Emily: is she ok?

Doctor: yes she's a fighter she should wake up in a little one at a time please.

Han: you go well watch the girls.

Emily: thanks guys.

He leads me to the room I walk in she's sleeping I go to her bed I grab her hand.

Emily: I'm so sorry baby I should have moved faster.

Ali: it's fine I'm ok baby.

I look up at her I kiss her she groans.

Emily: sorry how you feel?

Ali: I'm in so much pain right know how's your ankle?

Emily: I'll get over it I thought I lost you I love you baby.

Ali: I love you to lay with me please.

She moves over I lay in the bed with her we cuddle I start to get tired.


I wake up to the sun in my face I try to turn over but I'm met with so much pain.

Ali: aaahhh!!

Emily: Ali breath I'll get the doctor!

She runs out the room it hurts so bad I can barely breath.

Doctor: ok Alison I'm going to give you something for the pain.

I gives me a needle the pain subsides I can finally breath I wipe my tears.

Emily: thanks you how long does she have to stay here?

Doctor: 2 weeks I'm sorry.

Ali: thank you.

He leaves I look at Emily she wipes my tears.

Ali: I love you I don't care about the video.

Emily: I didn't mean any of it I swear.

I grad her hand.

Ali: I know baby.

She kisses me there's a knock on the door.

Ali: uh come in!

The door opens I hear crying and whispers the cheer team and the girl are here.

Ali: hey guys.

Catie: hey Ali how you feeling?

Ali: good Hanna I'll take Lex.

Han: there was no more milk at the house so she might be hungry.

Ali: I have to ask the doctor if I can breast feed cause he gave me drugs.

I press the call bell the nurse comes in she rolls her eyes when she sees me.

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