Chapter 31

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1 year later June 10 Friday 6:45


Today is the twins graduation I'm so happy and sad that there not my babies anymore.

Ali: oh the tears are starting up again.

Brea: mom stop!

Ali: I'm sorry!

Shea: hugs!

She hugs me the twins come running in the kitchen.

Ali: hey stop running!

Peyton: sorry mommy.

Emily: ok girls car come on!

Brea: moms can we drive ourselves please.

Ali: sure.

I kiss there heads they run out the house I can't believe there graduating.

Ali: we have to get ready Lex you get Everest ready we got the twins.

We all go upstairs to get ready.

2 hours later 8:34

Ali: lets go guys!

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Ali: lets go guys!

Han: ok I'm coming!

Demi: Lex get in my car come on!

I have Everest in my arms Emily comes down with the twins.

Emily: thank god there our last ones I don't think I can handle more.

Ali: yeah.

We put the kids in the car I drive off I found out 2 days ago that I was pregnant. I've been on the pill but I guess it didn't work Emily and I are in our 30's. We get to the school we get the babies out we head to the bleachers.

Ali: ok lets sit here.

Emily: ok.

We sit down the rest of the family shows up the Graduation starts.

After the graduation

I'm pretty sure I cried during the whole thing I hate being pregnant.

Shea: mom!

Emerson: mommy!

She picks her up she kisses her head.

Ali: I'm so happy you guys did it especially you Brea.

Brea: thanks mom can we go home I'm so hungry.

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