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Akashi is the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. He is the heir to his father's glorious company, and the unwavering Captain of the Generation of Miracles. He is strong, smooth-tongued, and most importantly, self-assured with every lonely, arduous step he takes.

So why is his pounding heart drowning out all noise? Why is his smooth-tongue dry and clinging to his throat? Why have his fingers gone numb, and his chest tingly? For god's sake, why can't he talk?

Subtly, Midorima nudged his shoe under the table. Okay?

No, not really, but Akashi cannot indulge himself any longer. This stranger is not Kuroko. He needs to stop this inane cycle of wilt and bloom. Kuroko is gone, and he just needs to get on with his life. All of his ancestors faced hardship and loneliness and mourning, but surely none of them faltered as hard as he did.

It might be easier to compose himself if the stranger weren't looking at him with such a piercing stare. Like the stranger was trying to send a spear through Akashi's heart and examine the oozing blood and gushing organs. Surely, his unyielding gaze could catch every stutter of his heart and falter of his will.

Get a hold of yourself, Seijuurou.

Akashi gave the stranger his best PR smile and said, "I sincerely apologize. We hadn't noticed you, and so rudely intruded on your space." The stranger's eyes flicked over Akashi, noting the pristine clothes and signature Akashi eyes.

"It's fine. It happens a lot," the stranger said, though he didn't smile or ease his unbroken, ruthless gaze. He sounded halfway dismissive. It felt a little too close to sitting his father's library office, breathing around the heavy pine incest and trying not to cower under the towering shelves. Trying not to melt into the soft green cushions and hide from the cleanly pressed brown suits and aged, veiny talons.

"Still, it was very rude of us," Akashi insisted. Why did he keep insisting? Why was he still letting this stranger stay? Something in roared at the very thought of letting this stranger disappear. Like if he did, Akashi would never see him again.

"It's nothing, really," the stranger said, sounding anything but understanding, "I'll just leave. I was just sitting here to rest my legs anyway." The stranger gave him a final once-over and moved to leave.

And that rusty, jagged, twisted thing screamed, NO! DON'T LET GO!!!

"Let me buy you something!" Akashi said suddenly, uncaring of how lecherous he came off, "Uh, please. It would ease my conscience." Akashi could feel Murasakibara's judgemental eyes on him, and Midorima gave him a sharp, nostril-flared look. Are you out of your mind?

But Akashi knows: if he lets this stranger go, he'll regret it for the rest of his life.

After a moment of wary studying, the stranger said, "If it's that important to you."

"It is," Akashi asserted. He hoped the others could feel his conviction; that they would follow suit. "Any allergies?"

"None," the stranger answered loftily. Still, no hint of cordial warmth or any gratitude. Just why was Akashi so obsessed with him?

Akashi collected his things and rose to order some hamburgers. The stranger should like hamburgers; why else would anyone come to Maji Burger?

"Let me go with you," Midorima said, swiftly, without room for argument. "I need to order my food as well."

"Of course," Akashi said. Nevermind Akashi could do it for him.

"Ah, can I come too?" Murasakibara looked up at Akashi with the most pitiful puppy-dog eyes. But Midorima was going to order food with Akashi for a reason, and he probably wouldn't appreciate the extra set of ears.

"Murasakibara, why don't you stay and get to know our guest?" Akashi said, "I'm sure he's appreciate your company."

"Awww," Murasakibara eyed the stranger contemplatively, "Okaaaaay." Akashi gave him a smile as thanks, and set off to order their food. No doubt, Midorima would use this opportunity to hold a sure to be very public, very humiliating intervention.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Midorima leaned over and muttered into Akashi's ear, "What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"

"Of course not," Akashi murmured back. It took all of his willpower to keep his face schooled. He is not losing his mind.

"Then why are you offering him your money?" Midorima accused, and Akashi could feel him glaring at the crown of his head, "You should've just let him go after you apologized."

"I know that," Akashi grit out. Explaining his intuitive moves in succinct, coherent was hard, even when it was just shogi moves. How could he possibly explain the invisible forces nudging his hand to some seemingly random space? Sometimes, he doesn't have any explanation at all.

Midorima inhaled sharply, in a half-stifled, irritated manner, "So then why?"

The petulant little child in him wanted to shriek and demand Why ask why? What could possibly sate your appetite? What can I ever say to explain myself?

But the bigger, older, wiser child in him stapled his lips shut and reminded him that this is Midorima. If anyone deserves a reason for half the things Akashi does, it's Midorima. At the very least, his best friend deserves Akashi's best attempt.

"I don't know," Akashi admitted, even if the utterance left a stinging in his chest, "I just sensed that... the stranger is... important." Just the same as the Generation of Miracles. Just the same as Kuroko.

Midorima sighed aggravatedly and leaned away, equally exasperated and over Akashi's stupidity. From his faraway expression alone, Akashi knew Midorima did not believe him. He thought Akashi was being difficult. The knowledge that even Akashi's best friend did not believe him stung.

"Akashi," Midorima said slowly, lowly, "I cannot presume to know all the things going on in your mind. But do you even have a plan?"

"No," Akashi said, shoving the irrational hurt far down, "But I will exercise caution." Midorima's hmph! told him exactly how much caution he thought Akashi was exercising.

Midorima sighed and said, "That means very little for you."  Taking the greatest risks for the greatest rewards.

Akashi's not reckless or foolhardy, not like most of the other Miracles. He's just got extra senses that guide him in mysterious ways. "Akashi knows all" is an apt if not exaggerated way of putting it. He just knows. In a strange, paradoxical way, Akashi's intuition is too sensitive for his own intuition.

"I can't promise it won't end badly," Akashi agreed, because he's aware of his wagering tendencies, "But I think the crash will be rather enjoyable."

Midorima scoffed without heat and noted, "You're not one for pretty light shows." You don't like wasting your efforts for catharsis or other pleasures. Satisfaction in your work is pleasure enough.

"Well..." Akashi shrugged. That rusty, jagged, twisted thing promised, This will be worthwhile. It's a promise he intends on seeing through. "It'll be worthwhile."

[A/N: *notices all the spelling and grammar errors in past chapters and promptly dies*. "Shawshank" is supposed to mean "an inescapable situation the person or another has put themself in" and it's also a movie where a guy escapes prison :) also just love that song. Sorry for the long hiatus!! Again!!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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