A day without Alfred (Part 2) (+face reveal)

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To: Jack of Spades, Yao
From: Your beloved Ivan.

Did he send this to the Jack after he killed him. Like a last love confession before sadness drove him mad and he decided to end it all. And I'm guessing this is the ring the King would've given to him, if he wasn't forced to kill his own lover. I sigh as I fold the note again and put it back from where it came. I look around a little longer as I finally exit the room and made my way to the room on the far right. I again opened it gently sneezed and coughed a few times and fully enter the room.

I was immediately met by the biggest room so far (exceptions being the throne room). I look around to see a big bed (Probably a King or queen sized bed), meaning it is another bedroom. Something interesting about this one though is their were two white suits on the bed with a bouquet of wilted red roses, petals covered the bed as well. The suits looked old, a light brown color due from dust to symbolize that it was no longer in use and that it has been set up like this for a long time. I have to ask Yao or Alfred about it later...

I also see right above the bouquet is a picture of a wedding. I gently pick it up and examined the old black and white foto. I see a very happy, in love couple as they were laughing while eating cake. I smile slightly as I recognize it as the previous king and queen. They looked so happy and full of life. Why did it have to end so badly to such good people. I wish they had a happy ending along with King Ivan and Yao...

I sighed as I gently put the frame down on the bed. I made my way to the clock again. I still had the note and necklace in my pocket. I still don't see the proclaimed 'Prussian' anywhere. I groaned loudly again as I was about to leave, making a mental note to come back tomorrow I hear the loud obnoxious voice. "Now, now. What is the totally unawesome queen doing here all alone?" He teased as I look up and see him sitting on one of the broken down pillars. I motioned for him to come down as he obliged. "I have something for you. I think Lovino and Alfred already have theirs. So here is yours," I handed him the note with the necklace in. He looks at me confused as he reads the letter tears forming at his eyes as his mouth hangs open.

"Is this from Birdie?" He asks his voice cracking all over the place. I nod as I look at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry Gilbert. I just thought you would appreciate his last words to you and others he cared about. I'm so sorry it had to be this way," I apologized a little as he wipes away his tears and smiles. "Can I keep this? I just want to be reminded that he loved me," he asked hopefully as I hesitated for a moment. "Uhm... Maybe I should ask Alfred and then if he says that you can keep it I'll return it to you," I answered as he nodded and handed me the note. He examined the necklace as he asks,"Is this mine by any chance?" "Yeah I think so," I responded and smiled as he puts it on almost immediately. He smiles a little and kisses it gently.

"You really loved Matthew, didn't you?" I smiled slightly as I looked at him sadly. "I loved him back then, I still love him now and I will love him forever more. I will love him till I take my last breath," Gilbert admitted as my smile fell and I looked at him sadly. "Anyway where is oh great King Alfred?" Gilbert changed the subject immediately. "He is on a hunting trip," I finally answer after a while of thinking. "Oh okay..." He answered and we continued on talking. As I suddenly thought of something.

"Gilbert can you do me a huge favor?" I asked almost pleadingly. "What is it oh great queen Arthur," he teased as I glared and then sighed. "I want to get to know Alfred better so that if he chooses me as a queen I know what he has been through as well as what his kingdom's been through. Can we probably use that clock and go back to Matthew... Doing it..." I explained as Gilbert after a while of hesitance agreed.

Goodbye my dear King Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin