Chapter 15 - Small World

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Chapter 15 -

Small World ~

I woke up at about ten o'clock and got up to get dressed and brush my teeth and all that fun stuff. After that, I go and check to see if Aislyn is still in bed, which she is. Poor thing. We are going to head to the police station later today but still early enough that I still have time to get ready for the party Harry invited me to tonight. I feel kinda bad that I couldn't end up going with Louis to that party he's going to tonight but I knew it really wouldn't be fair to Harry. Anyway, I went into the kitchen to eat some cereal when I heard a knock at the door. I groaned internally and went to go answer it.

"What do you-" I stopped short in my sentence when I realized who it was.


"W-What are you d-doing here?" I stuttered over my words, afraid of what he was capable of doing to me.

"I'm here to see my girlfriend." He says smirking, sending an ice cold chill down my spine. "Well she's still asleep," I paused, "thanks to what you did to her last night." I mumbled the rest.

"What did you say?" He said, his jaw and fists clenching. "N-Nothing!" I said, taking a step back. "That's what I thought, bitch." He spat. "Tell her that I'll be back later and she better be awake." He said, turning to walk away. "Oh and if you or her call the police, I'll make both your lives hell." He continues walking down the hall and around the corner, out of sight.

I shut the door and lock it, my face bright red, my heart beating a mile a minute. I walk to the couch and just sit there for a few minutes replaying what just happened several times over. Maybe a quick nap will take my mind off things. Yeah I'll just take a nap to shake my mind off things. But first I have to leave a note for Aislyn telling her not to call the police and such.

I finish writing the note and leave it next to her cell and walk back into my room for a quick snooze.


I hear my phone go off and immediately sit up. Wait, what time is it? I check my phone to see a text from Harry:

Hey you almost ready? -H

Almost ready? Isn't the party in.. 45 MINUTES?! Shit! I slept in! I don't reply to Harry and quickly get the outfit I picked for the party { photo shown } and throw it on with matching shoes and go into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I end up finishing everything at 6:54 and text Harry to see when he'll be here. He replies and says, 'I'm pulling up.' So I grab my phone and head outside and get into Harry's car. As I'm putting on my seat belt I can feel his eyes on me, and as I turn to look at him, I'm right. He's eyeing me up and down.

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning. Sexy, even." He says, nibbling on his bottom lip. "Ditto, Styles." I say, smirking. He simply returns the gesture and starts driving to the party, turning the music on full blast, which I really don't mind, considering we have the same taste in music. About 20 minutes later, we pull up to a gorgeous three story house.

"The party's here?" I ask, taking off my seatbelt and opening the door. "Yup," Harry says, coming over to my side to help me out of the car. "It's amazing." I say, in awe. "I know, and the people that live here throw the best parties I've ever been too, and trust me, I've been to more than a handful of parties, and these parties top the list." He says smirking. I giggle and we walk up to the house and enter through the open door. We make our way through the sea of people and find two open seats in what I suppose is the dining area. "Hey I'm gonna get something to drink real quick. You want anything?" Harry shouts over the music. "Sure, I'll take a pint." I say shouting back. He nods and heads to the kitchen for the drinks. I sit down and take out my phone so I don't look like a total loser being alone and all. But out of the corner of my eye I see someone very familiar. Someone who also had said they were going to a party tonight.

And that someone is...



yay i updated! (: so how'd you guys like it? please leave some comments so i know what to improve on for the next chapter!! and thank you sooo much for almost 40k reads!! i really love you guys and all your support!! anyways hope you liked it and remember THIS CHAPTER MUST GET 1,000 READS BEFORE I WILL UPDATE THE NEXT CHAPTER!! love you guys, byeee! (:

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