Chapter 1 - Wrong Number

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Chapter 1 -

Wrong Number ~

I put my headphones on and put on my favorite song; How To Save A Life by The Fray. I don't know why, but that song just speaks to me.

I lay down on my bed and put my phone beside me. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, the phone rings. I groan and answer it.

"Hello?" Suddenly a Cheshire accent filled my ears.

"Hey Lou, I was wondering-" "Hey, sorry dude. But, you have the wrong number." I was about to hang up when the accent came back.

"I may have dialed the wrong number, but I'm glad I did." 'What the hell is he talking about?' I think to myself.

"Excuse me?" "Look, from the sound of you voice you sound pretty hot. I may be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Where are you from?" He asks.

"I'm from a town called Cheshire. It's in England. I was born and raised in London, but moved here when I was thirteen." I say back to him.

"Really? I live in Cheshire too! Wanna meet up?" I hesitated. For all I know this guy could be a rapist. But, his voice just draws me in.

"Sure. Where at?" He told me where to meet him at and we said our goodbyes.

"Wait!" I practically yell at the phone. "Yea..?" "I didn't catch your name." I heard him chuckle. "It's Harry. And yours?" "Tess." "Well, Tess, I'll see you tomorrow." "Can't wait." And with that, I hung up.

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