Chapter 11 - Texts

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Chapter 11 -

Texts ~

Harry- Hey babe, I was wondering if you want to come to party with me Friday?

Louis- I was wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow at my place?

I texted Harry back saying:

Yea sure! What time?

Then I texted Louis:

I'd love too, what time should I come over?

Harry texted right after I texted Louis with:

I'll pick you up at 7. That ok? -H

Then Louis texted:

Is 3 o'clock ok?

I texted both Harry and Louis saying:

That's fine. See you soon! (:

I put my phone in my pocket and continued to walk to my flat. I got there in about 10 minutes or so. Once I got in I took off my shoes and put my phone to charge. After that I took a shower, washing my hair and body in about 5 minutes. I put on my pajamas and went to bed.

As I was sleeping I had the weirdest dream. And your not gonna believe who was in it.


CLIFFHANGER!! Am I evil yet? ANYWHO, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and my little cliffhanger. ;)


Next time it will be longer, I hope. I've just had really bad writers block. But I should have plenty ideas when a certain someone goes over to Louis' house tomorrow.. ;)

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