Chapter 11 - Rain

Start from the beginning

        His body finally collapsed onto the floor as he reached the small dark alley. The air was sullen and smelly due to all of the piles of garbage and the squeaking wet rats, but the alley could give him protection from the rain.

        He let out a warm breath that was dying to be released. The warm breath made a small translucent cloud that ripped through the cold air. More and more rain began to fall, but it didn't hit him as much.        

        He slowly brought his shaking knees up to his chest, and wrapped his dirt and blood covered arms around them. His voice hitched as a loud sob escaped from his lips. If he couldn't kill himself, maybe the cold could.

        It rained for the continuing hours, getting colder and colder the minute. By that time it could have already been a little after six pm. The warm sun was already long gone, but the darker clouds seemed to be disappearing. The fresh smell of a cold rainstorm filled the chilling atmosphere. The stench of wet dog filled the small dark alley. The mice, as well as the rotten garbage produced a foul odor that spread around the alley once they were wet.

        The alley did protect Tiger from the storm. At least he wasn't soaking wet. He shivered as he laid beside the dumpster. Dry tears would create streaks on Tigers red cheeks. His body shivered uncontrollably as he slept. It was a surprise no one came looking for him, as Tiger thought. He really didn't expect anyone to come anyway.

        He didn't want anyone to waste their time looking for him when they could be doing something else. There was no point in looking for him if they were going to find him dead anyway. He slowly smiled to himself as the memory of Echo crawled into his head. He let out a soft whimper, and clutched onto himself.

        That was where it hurt most. The girl who wanted so much too see, too hear, too talk too, was about to disappear right before his eyes. Warm tears slowly slipped out of his swollen eyes. He bit his bottom lip, and slowly shook his head. It was too hard. He couldn't just leave like that. He couldn't just leave her like that.

        He wanted too see her again, he needed to see her again. At least one last time just to see her stunning bright baby blue eyes, or hear her adorable giggle that was music too his ears, or her sweet smell of lavender and vanilla that would always make him want to leap from his pants in happiness.

        He quickly pushed his eyes open, and let out a sad sigh of relief. He couldn't keep it in any longer. He couldn't lie to himself.His eyes grew wide. A faint sound echoed throughout the small alley. He turned his body towards the sound. It was too far away too understand due for one reason, the fog.

        "Tiger," the voice finally yelled out for him to understand. The sounds of exhausting coughs and tired cries filled his ear drums.

        "Tiger," the person called out again. He let a single tear slip.

        "Are you in here?" He slowly let his eyes drop.

        "Baby, are you in here," the person asked again. The soft voice he became so familiar with filled the alley.

        "Tiger please, where are you," he heard the voice whisper. A shaky breath escaped from his reddened lips.

        "Mom," he slowly whispered. He began to hear soft cries muffled by the sounds of pitter patter.

        "Mom, I'm right here," Tiger spoke, louder that time.

        "Please don't cry." Footsteps quickly began to fill the alley. Tiger smiled at the sounds. Maybe she did really care, maybe she still didn't car. Either way, Tiger smiled at the sound. He was then staring at the tall silhouette of the tall woman. He slowly looked up at her. Visible tear marks were glued onto her face even when she was soaked from head to toe. She shivered uncontrollably, and soon let out a loud sob.

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