Chapter 6 - Don't Go

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        Where could they be, he thought, quickly glancing around the house. He continued to wander around the big house. He held the chainsaw in one hand and a gun in the other. He refused to use the other gardening or electrical tools. Torture is his gift and he intends to use it.

        He continued walking around, still looking for the kids, until some stairs. It looked like the basement stairs. From the distance, he could hear light chattering coming from down the stairs. He watched the door to the basement, curiously. He began to reach for the mask he stole from the counselors garage. After a while, the basement door opened and he quickly hid. Up came a little girl, skipping towards the refrigerator.

        Her hair was in pigtails and she was in a long flowing white dress. Tiger cocked his head to the side and quickly pulled the mask onto his face. The little girl began to rummage through the refrigerator in search of food. As she did Tiger smirked and got up. He began stalking towards the girl, keeping a very close eye on her. She hadn't even noticed Tiger was right behind her. She continued rummaging through the refrigerator until she found a bottle of peanut butter. Tiger raised the curved, but very sharp knife towards her neck. For a second, she didn't feel anything, then she gasped.

        Tiger smirked and leaned close to her. He could hear how fast her heart was beating. It was beating so fast, it sounded like it would explode any minute. She began to sweat and her breathing increased.

        "Who are you," she asked, her widened eyes began to water. He could sense her body shaking.

        Tiger laughed hysterically causing her to whimper.

        He wasn't going to kill her just yet, he was going to take his time and torture her.

        "Mommy," she cried out. Tiger shook his head and began to dig the knife into her neck. She cried out in pain.

        Tiger watched as blood came down from her neck, staining her perfectly white dress.

        "Don't say a word," Tiger warned.

        "If you do, rip you apart and feed it to whoever lives here." The girl swallowed.

        "Are you a robber," her tiny voice cried out.

        "Because my mom's jewelry is upstairs in her room and the money is in the safe," she let out, pointing towards a large painting. Tiger cocked an eyebrow at her.

        "I don't want damn money, yet." He smirked.

        "I want to kill you." The girl began to cry.

        "Why do you want to kill me? I've been a good girl!" Tiger chuckled and dug the knife farther into her neck. He took out another curved, but very sharp knife and stuck it in the other side of her neck. The girl screamed, but Tiger quickly covered her mouth with his hand. He began to kick her legs and her knees so she would fall. The poor girl continued to cry.

        "Your brothers and sisters don't love you," Tiger whispered into her ear. The girl shook her head. Tiger smirked and nodded. He grabbed both of her arms and began to pull them up towards her head.

        "No they don't," he began.

        "Because, if they loved you, they would come rescue you right now." The girl thought for a moment, then continued to cry.

        Tiger stuck the knife deeper into her neck.

        The girl began to choke . He got down and sat on the girl.

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