"I suppose you won't be joining me?"

"Oh, no. I stand out far too much. I'll be a sore thumb with those rich, white women."

"And I won't?"

"Change your clothes. Put on some make-up. You'll look born for the part."

"I'll check it out. If you're wrong about this, I'm coming for you."

She dips her head in understanding and slides over a spare invitation. "Darling, I wouldn't have it any other way."

I leave a voicemail for Os to let him know where I'm headed. On the way to the bank, I pick-up a ballgown and throw on my best socialite make-up that I can think of. Nothing too outlandish, but definitely fancy.

The bank is brimming with socialites and snobs, just as Fish said. I keep a close eye on the windows and exits for the woman of the hour. I grab a glass of champagne and mingle with the women to keep my cover up. It's nothing entertaining. All these women care to talk about is their rich husbands and nice houses.

It just reminds me that I was never meant for this life. I'll take clubs and criminals over white-pickett fences any day.

I glance up to a large window overlooking the ballroom. Katherine stands at the edge with my brother. Jim and I quickly meet eyes. I avert my gaze and take another sip of champagne, attempting to blend in with the crowd.

I follow Katherine's footsteps. When she exits the room, I follow suit. I watch her stride down the staircase. I hurry my pace to catch her before she walks into the main room with the innocent bystanders. She pauses to go to the restroom.

I stand outside until everyone else is out. As I walk in, she washes her hands.

"Lovely day, isn't it?"

I force my eyes down, push my hair to the shoulder nearest to Katherine and smile far too widely. "Yes, it is."

Just as I'm about to enter the stall, my phone rings.

Katherine takes a closer look at me at the door. Her eyes go wide and she runs from my sight. I hear her instruct her bodyguards to ensure her safety to the car.

"Oh!" I scream into the phone. "I almost had her!"

"I've never seen you so angry," Os says, cooly. "Are you okay?"

"Ugh! No! I'm at some stupid charity ball, and I almost got Katherine!"

"What charity ball? The one at the First Bank of Gotham?"

"Yes," I fume. "Why?"

"I'm on my way there now. Sera, you have to get out of there! There's a bomb in the main room. Jim called me."

"Then why are you coming here?"

"The Court is there! Someone must know where Ed is," he exclaims.

"No, no, no. If there's a bomb, you better stay far away until this is cleared. Let my brother handle it."

"Too late."

A loud chorus of screams fills the air. I run out to the main ballroom to find a Talon guard in flames. I glance up to meet eyes with my brother, then with Oswald.

"I'm going after Katherine," I say into the phone.

"No, Sera—"

"I love you."

I hang up before he can protest more.

"Sera!" Jim shouts.

I don't look back. I jump into my truck and follow the caravan with Katherine in it. I keep at least an entire block of distance between us, just to make sure I'm not spotted. Katherine parks at a nice apartment complex. I've no doubt the whole thing belongs to her.

Taking out her first two guards isn't hard. They come at me with large, hulking fists. They're bleeding and lifeless on the street in a matter of minutes.

I kick down the door and scream to level the armed gunmen on the stairs. I run up the winding staircase to find Katherine huddling under her desk with nothing but a knife.

I grab the faux leader of The Court by the neck and drag her over to the nearest window. With one hand, I suspend her over the concrete below. "Who do you answer to?"

"I don't know what you mean!"

"You're not the leader," I shout. "Who is your boss?"

"I don't—"

"I will drop you!"

She screams and gasps for air. "I only know him as The Judge! I hear he lives the historical district!"

"I want an address!"

Katherine smirks. "No. I'm afraid we've run out of question time for today. I believe you've met Mr. Hammer?"

Thundering footsteps cause me to bring my hostage back over safe land. I throw her into her own closet. Mr. Hammer chuckles from his place near the stairs. This is the same, huge metahuman I met at the Wayne Enterprises black site. I should've known The Court had this guy on their payroll, too.

I brace myself for another fight. He catches my first punch, then my second. I kick his knees, but it doesn't sway his stance. Screaming is the only way to level this guy. I scream loud and long. Mr. Hammer throws me from the fourth-story window and I land on the concrete below.

I spend the last few seconds gazing up at the night sky before I lose consciousness.

"Rise and shine."

I'm woken up with a bucket of ice-water pouring on my face.

I try to release a scream but quickly realize I can hardly breathe at all. Victor Fries stands over me. An IV is inserted into my arm. A heart monitor rests on my finger.

"What am I doing here?" I force out.

"Penguin sent me to find you after the whole meltdown at the ball."

"Oh god."

I really made a fool of myself. I should've waited for his instruction. I should've let him help me, but no. I was too eager to get my revenge. I left him alone with a bomb.

"He was pretty pissed," Victor says.

I try to rub my head but have trouble even lifting my arms. "Where is he now?"

"Now? Uh... I haven't seen him in a while. When I returned with you, Ivy was knocked out and Penguin was nowhere to be found."

The Court must've gotten him. This must be payment for going after Katherine! My idiocy has rendered him abducted or even killed. The thing I fear the most is happening at my doing. I feel the fear and sorrow pool in my eyes.

I can't cry. I don't deserve to. Not yet.

"I have to find him." I force myself up to my elbows before promptly crashing back down.

Victor adjusts the monitors. "You're not going anywhere for a while, Cardinal."

"What's the damage?"

"A few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and it's very possible you've sustained substantial damage to your spine."

"I have to find him."

"You're going to die before you find him," Victor insists. "You have to let these heal."

"I don't have time." I rip the IV from the crook of my elbow and push my muscles to allow myself to sit up. "They will kill him if I don't get to him in time."

"Where will you go? Who will know where he is?"

"My brother," I groan. "He'll help me find Oswald."

"And if he won't?"

I gently nudge myself from the stretcher. "He doesn't have a choice."

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