Each other's first

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Taehyung left you both in an uncomfortable and awkward position. Jimin who was confident enough to propose you , just stood there with hands behind him. Whereas you , bashful . Still, it is the boy who makes the first move.

"Y/N, let's just sit and talk for a while "

"Ya, sure ".

The number of words that left your mouth were limited. But somebody had to make a conversation. You both couldn't sit them for a lifetime and you don't want Jimin to feel gawky with you being utmost shy

" So, Jimin, what's next "

With that you heard thundering, as if God said , this is Whats next.

"Y/N I think it is going to rain, we can't sit here and talk, let's go to my house if you feel comfortable". Jimin asked you.

Going to his house on the first day of your relationship was hell awkward. Anything could happen, not that you didn't trust Jimin, but you were petrified with the thought of you both alone in his house.

"Y/N, you can trust me, don't worry, I won't touch you unless you allowed me to, and I'll leave you back near your house once we have finished talking, "

"Jimin, it's not that I don't trust you, but I have never been to a guy's house ", you said

"Then let me be the first, I wont put you in any such situations , where you would slap me , okie", he giggled.

" Okie, then"

With that the rain started pouring, it was like the heavens were conspiring the chain of events. Both of you went to his bike. Jimin asked you to sit. The passenger seat was tremendously high, you wonder why these boys drive such bikes , how the hell is a girl supposed to seat here. There wasn't even a support to grab on to, in order to resist falling on the road.

"Y/N, you better hold me tightly or else you gonna fall, because I am going to accelerate the speed , or else both of us will get wet".

You just kept your one hand on his shoulder, like that would prevent you from falling.

Jimin felt that you were shy and uncomfortable, but he didn't want you to fall down, so he took both of your hands from the back and made you hold his waist. Which now you grabbed on to. The moment your hands landed there you felt something hard, his abs. He was muscular. A boy with an angel face but a sturdy and rugged body. While he speeds up, you were getting closer to him, unintentionally , the raindrops were cascading down your face , So you got so close enough to his back that their remained no space for even air to pass through.

At a point, you just forgot how close you were, because your breath was filled with his scent that just went into you and stiffened your composure. It took a few minutes but you both reached his house. Drenched in water. Both of you wet. You followed jimin, he opened the door just to expose something unexpected. The house was unsoiled , you nearly doubted that it was his. It was so freaking neat.

" You must be wondering, the amount of neatness here, we'll it's not me I am a lazy ass fellow, it's Hoseok hyung, he is a freak when it comes to cleaniness ", jimin chuckled.

" Oh, so you live with housemates".

"Yes, Hoseok and Jungkook, we live together, we even go to the same college, right now they are out of station, so make yourself comfortable ".

" Sure" you smiled.

But how we're you going to make yourself comfortable with that sogginess . Jimin read your mind. Just like Lisa does. He gave you few of his clothes to get changed. You resisted for a while but then you couldn't .You might get sick and you needed to dry your clothes before you went back home. The last thing your mom would want is you all crouched up in your bed and sneezing non stop.

You went and changed into his trousers and oversized t-shirt which fit him perfectly. Your hairs all wet. You never let your beautiful long hairs to get wet in the rain as rain water could be harmful resulting in your beautiful hairs fall. As you came out of the room to the hall.....

"You look so hot " , as soon as Jimin said that , he put his palms on his lips , forcing himself to shutup . The already awkward situation might get further awkward.

You smiled , it wasn't uncomfortable for you anymore except for those oversized clothes .

"Jimin , do you have a hair dryer, my hairs are all wet "

"Yes, one minute", jimin went to his room and brought a hair dryer.

He didn't give you the hair dryer but he asked if he could dry your hair, which was bit sweet, because no guy had ever dried your hair . Not even Namjoon , you were the one who used to dry his hairs, sometimes your brother could be so lazy.

As you had your back turned to Jimin, who was now drying your long hairs , you were trying to see his reactions through the mirror in front of you. He wasn't irritated, but he had this cute smile, that said he was loving that moment. Your long hairs weren't a problem rather a blessing for him. The next thing which he did was unanticipated , as you went and sat on the couch , Jimin took your clothes and ironed them ,in ordered to dry up quickly. No matter how much you squabbled over it, he insisted. It was amazing how this boy could be so unpredictive. Whatever he did , he loved doing it for you. You wondered what you did to deserve him. After drying your clothes he came and sat on the couch.

Both of you sat on the opposite ends of the couch , too timid to sit together.

"Y/N , I know this moment and situation is uncomfortable for you, but it is very special for me , I have never done anything like these with any other girl, because you are the first ever person in my life whom I have started loving and planning to love forever, and I won't force you to do anything or touch you without your consent but I really love you , I want you to know this", he said this with a pout , cuteness that can't be resisted.

That moment you realized, that the reason he was being this with you was that you were the first girl in his life, his first love. That sudden truth strikes you, it was so special to be somebodies first , and you decided you had to take the first step here.

You went near him , sat beside, took his hand in yours. he was astounded.

"I didn't knew I was your first love Jimin, and you don't know how special I feel right now. I promise , this love will last forever, and i'll love you no matter what",

With that you cupped Jimin's face in your palms and kissed him on his lips, his fluffy lips were perfectly set in yours. First he was lost for words. Jimin definitely didn't expected something like that to happen. as you broke the kiss, you could see his amused yet happy face.

"Y/N , you know that you are my first ever kiss",

" And your my first too".

It was true , Jimin was indeed your first kiss, because even though you and Taehyung were in a one year relationship , you never felt like kissing him, even though he was your first love.

With all that said now, Jimin couldn't stand any space between you both anymore , he pinned you down on the couch, and kissed you passionately . The kisses weren't perfect but they were full of love

And their you both had your first ever kiss with each other .

Finished .

Thanks for sticking till the end guys . Comment , like and share. It is my first ever fanfiction and I intended to keep it sweet and simple. Firstly , I was afraid to write one , because I thought nobody would read it , but even a single reader encourages me to write more.

I'm coming up another fanfiction , soon enough. And yes , the characters will be BTS, I can never get over them, this unending love for Bangtan. Mainly I have focused on The Maknae Line. Very different from "Stuck in between", with interesting plots, no smuts because I iam not capable in writing one. But yes with an exceptional story line. So stay tuned guys. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) .

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