"How is that even possible?" He questioned. You turned towards him and gave him a lazy grin.

"Physics." Astro racked his brains for how that explanation was even plausable, but was interrupted by Reno who had overheard Tobio's request.

"So, you want to test a machine, yeah?" He confirmed as he appeared beside him and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. Tobio perked up and nodded eagerly.

"Ooh, yes! What kinds of machines do you have?" He asked. Reno smirked and guided him out the door.

"It's better if I show you.... Come along, Astro, Y/n." Reno said. You pressed your lips into a thin line. You didn't want to be anywhere near his crazy machines. Reluctantly, both you and Astro joined him.


At the school, you, Astro and Tobio stood with Reno inside one of the many laboratory rooms where Reno's machines lied in waiting. Reno pulled the sheet from one of the machines and to both yours and Astro's horror, it was the switching machine. Tobio admired the tall machine with wide ambitious filled eyes.

"Woah, what's this?" He asked and turned towards the taller boy. Reno smiled and rested his hands on his hips.

"This machine switches the atoms inside of objects with other objects. Basically, you could swap bodies with someone if you wanted to." He explained. Tobio's eyes shimmered with fascination and he jumped up and down on the spot.

"Woah, that sounds so cool! Can I try it?" Reno gave him a small chuckle and ruffled his hair.

"Well, if we can find you a compatible match." Tobio cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"A compatible...match?"

"Yeah. For example, Y/n and Astro are a compatible match. Only those two can switch with each other and nobody else. It's a bit complicated, but we haven't been able to switch Astro with anybody else." Reno explained thoroughly. Tobio pulled a face and turned towards Astro, who stood there silently.

"Wait, so he can only swap bodies with Y/n? How do you know that?" Reno sighed and slumped forwards.

"Because, we've tried..." Memories of Reno getting electrocuted due to the experiments haunted his mind, making him shiver. Tobio hummed in thought for a moment before nodding with determination.

"I want to try out the machine with Astro." He admitted. Reno's eyes widened as well as Astro's before the pair bursted into a fit of laughter. Tobio frowned at them in a disapproving manner while you stood there, waiting to see what the outcome was. Reno calmed his laughter and rested a hand on the younger lad's shoulder.

"Sorry, but it's like I said. The only compatible one with Astro is Y/n." He repeated himself. Tobio pressed his lips into a thin line and clenched his hands.

"But we won't know if we don't try! Please, Reno? I want to try it." He whined. Reno frowned and looked to the side.

"This is what got you killed in the first place." He mumbled under his breath. Astro elbowed him in the side, shutting him up. Tobio blinked at him and cocked his head to the side with a childlike gaze on his face. Reno sweat dropped and decidedly gave in. "Ah, fine. Hold hands with Astro and we'll give it a crack." He said. You immediately took out your phone and began to film this encounter with the two boys.

Tobio eagerly grabbed onto Astro's hand who was a bit reluctant to do so.

"Uh, Reno? Are you sure this is safe?" He questioned. Reno dismissed him with a wave of his hand as he had his back turned to him.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now