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Spring had finally arrived to Metro City and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Everyone enjoyed the flower viewing events and talked happily with one aother as their world was filled with happiness. You smiled slightly and you held your hands behind your back whilst making your trek towards the school.

When you reached the school grounds, you saw the kids in the lower grades chatting happily amongst themselves. You smiled and entered the school building.

Inside the school building, you looked around at all of the decorations created by the lower classes. You walked through the streamer filled hallways and stopped at your classroom. You then slid the door open and entered it.

Inside the classroom, all of the other sixth graders were chatting excitedly amongst themselves. You looked up at the smart board the teacher used. A banner was pinned above it which read 'Graduation'. You smiled at the banner and you made your way towards your friends.

"Hey guys." You greeted with a small wave. Your friends looked up at you and smiled.

"Morning Y/n! Are you excited?" Ajeero asked. You gave him a small little shrug.

"I guess, but I'm also kinda nervous." You admitted. Abercrombie did a fake dramatic gasp and stood back in shock.

"Y/n nervous about something!? She must be sick!" He cried. You pouted.

"Shut it." You then sat down in your seat and leaned on your hand. "So, what school are you guys going to?" You questioned. The four boys glanced at each other before they smiled at you.

"Well we're all going to Fujisaki middle school. What about you?" Kennedy inquired. You grinned at your friends and you stuck out the peace sign.

"Cool, we'll all be together then. That's where I'm going too." Astro beamed at this and he shot his fist up into the air.

"Yeah! Alright!" He cheered. You bursted out laughing and rested your head on your desk. You then sat up and brushed your hand gently over your desk.

"Hey Astro, remember when you first came to this school?" You asked. Astro halted his cheering and blinked at you. He then smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, of course! Everyone was so skeptical of me, but then we ended up becoming great friends!" He exclaimed. Ajeero laughed and rested his hand on Astro's shoulder.

"Oh boy was that day interesting. We had such great fun that day." Ajeero said. Kennedy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! I had great fun with the sky rider and Denku." He exclaimed. Abercrombie scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"I enjoyed the festival more than the sky rider to be honest, but it was still fun." He admitted with a small shrug. You pouted.

"Aw, wish I was there that day." You complained. Ajeero rested his hands on his hips and he raised an eyebrow at you.

"Well that was your fault for skipping school that day." Ajeero told. Astro laughed and he sat down in his seat.

"Oh come on, we had plenty of fun on the day you came." He mentioned. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, if you call fighting Atlas a good day."

'You stood outside of the door leading into your classroom with a tired gaze. You so didn't feel like coming to school.

Inside of the classroom, Ajeero talked with Astro nonstop about his hobbies and interests. He then saw the classroom door open and his eyes widened with surprise as you entered it.

"Ah! There you are! You deadbeat!" He yelled and picked up his textbook, shocking Astro. The moment you entered the classroom, a text book came flying in your direction. You quickly ducked the flying text book and planted yourself against the wall.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt