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You sat on the couch with your legs stretched out before you on the coffee table as you and Reno versed each other in Mario Kart. At the moment, the young lad was losing. Reno stuck his tongue out as he twisted and turned in all kinds of different positions if it helped him get ahead of you at least a centimetre. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and cocked a brow at him. You then shook your head and turned your attention back to the game.

Reno's character, Daisy moved ahead of your character just as he was nearing the finish line. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest with both excitement and anticipation. You didn't really care whether you lost or not, but it would be annoying if he bragged on about his victory, so you pulled the pro-gamer move; you sat forwards in your seat.

Just as Reno was about to cross the finish line, a bright light appeared above the console and a figure fell onto his chord specifically, unplugging it. Reno gaped at the whole situation while you smirked and sped past him, winning the match. Tobio shook his head and blinked up at the two of you. A bright smile was then plastered onto his face and he waved.

"Hey guys! Did you grow taller-"

"You little twerp! I was about to win that match!" Reno screeched, almost shattering the glass around him. You blew your lips and gave him a dry laugh.

"Pfft, Oh please. I won because of skill and you know it." You scoffed. Reno frowned at you and huffed. Tobio creased his brow with concern as Reno muttered incoherent words to himself in the corner of the room. He then gave you a shy little wave.

"Uh, hey Y/n."

"Hey, kiddo." Tobio frowned at the nickname.

"You know I'm technically older than you, right?" You gave him a small little shrug and chucked the controller onto the table.

"Yeah, say that to me once you grow taller than me." You chastised. Tobio opened his mouth to say something else when a knock was heard at your door. You inwardly groaned and gestured to the door with a wave of your hand. "Hey, can you get that? I'm too lazy to get up at the moment." Tobio clammed up and looked at you and then the door.

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea-"

"Yeah yeah, it's fine. Just go answer it." With a hesitant nod, Tobio crept towards the front door and slowly pulled it open. On the other side of the door, Astro greeted him with the brightest smile he could muster. 

"Hey.....Tobio? What are you doing here?" Astro asked with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Oh, I came to hang out today! I guess I still haven't gotten used to this time travelling thing, each time I visit everyone is older." Tobio admitted with a bit of embarrassment. Reno rolled his eyes and gave him the stink eye.

"Duh, you keep coming here once a year." He said before turning his head away. Astro raised an eyebrow at him.

"What's his problem?" He asked. You shrugged from the couch and changed the channel.

"Oh he's just being a sore loser. Tobio unplugged his controller by accident and I won the game, which was by skill, by the way." You were sure to mention that last part. Once again, Reno denied your victory with an incoherent mumble. Astro shook his head at his friend's attitude and turned towards Tobio with a smile.

"So, what do you want to do, since you're here?" He asked. Tobio hummed in thought as he pondered over his decisions. His eyes then gleamed with excitement as an idea came to him.

"Ooh, I know! I want to try one of your machines! Y/n's told me all about them over the phone!" He exclaimed. Astro pulled a face and gave you a questioning look.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now