As fast as lightning

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You, Astro, Kennedy, Abercrombie and Ajeero raced towards Astro's house as the rain poured down hard on the group. The moment you arrived, everyone danced on the spot as you waited for Astro to open the door. Astro pushed the door open and everyone immediately piled inside. You slammed the door shut and sighed in relief as you slid down it.

"Whew, I usually like rainy days but on one of these days? Not quite." You commented. Astro nodded in agreement and squeezed the water out of his shirt. Everyone then looked up to see Nora stroll by with a pile of towels. She offered everyone a towel each and you all took one gratefully.

"Thanks, Nora!" Astro said as he wiped his body down. You took off your jacket and ruffled the towel over your hair. Ajeero wiped his glasses clean with the towel and put them back on. He then turned towards Astro.

"So what now? Should we just head to your room?" Ajeero questioned. Astro pursed his lips and looked him up and down.

"Um, maybe we should all have a bath. I mean we're all filthy from when we fell in that puddle." Astro mentioned. He then looked at you and sighed. "Y/n, fortunately, was the only one who managed to get out clean." You grinned at him and gave him the victory sign. Ajeero sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's get ourselves cleaned up. Y/n, you can just head on over to Astro's room. We'll meet you there." Ajeero told as he followed the others towards the bathroom. You nodded and made your way up the stair case. At the top of the stair case, you took a sharp turn to the right and entered Astro's room.

Inside Astro's room, everything was neatly organised and was practically spotless. You chuckled to yourself. It was so typical of him to be organised like this. After kicking your boots off, you dove into Astro's bed and sighed in content. It was so warm, it felt safe here.

Suddenly, a thunder clap roared over the area, making you jolt. You gasped and grabbed the covers of Astro's bed and wrapped them around your trembling shoulders. You shook as another thunder clap sounded over the area. Cursed thunder, why did it exist?

You kept shaking as more thunderclaps sounded, each time it got louder. You shook and gritted your teeth as you let out small squeaks of surprise. You then glanced out the window and looked up at the sky to see a streak of lightning. You practically died when you saw that and fell over on the bed.

Just as you were sitting upright, you heard the door open and you whipped your head around to see Astro walk in with a towel over his head. Astro looked down at you with a raised eyebrow and slid the towel off his head.

"Is it that cold?" He commented. You forced a grin at him and shrugged.

"Y-yeah." Just then, another thunder clap sounded, this one bigger than the others. You cried out in surprise and dashed under the bed with the blanket. Astro's eyes widened at this. He then walked over to the bed and crouched down beside it.

"Y/n? Are you...afraid of thunder?" You bit the bottom of your lip and shook your head.

"O-o-o-of course not. I just really like going under b-beds." You mentally kicked yourself for stumbling over your words. Astro raised an eyebrow at you and smiled.

"Really now?" You nodded. Another thunder clap then sounded and you screamed. You then made a mad dash for the open room but hit your head on the beam of the bed. You clutched your head as you gritted your teeth in pain.

Astro watched you cower under the bed whilst rubbing your head, and he laughed. You frowned at him slightly through teary eyes.

"W-what's so funny?" You questioned. Astro shook his head and forced himself to breath.

"Ah, i-it's nothing. Y-you're just too precious!" Astro said as he struggled to hold in his laughter. He then looked at you and his smile dropped when he saw your expression. "Woah, you're really afraid of thunder, aren't you?" You turned your head to the side, refusing to meet his gaze while trying to hold the tears in. You sniffled slightly.

Astro frowned when he saw this. He then smiled gently at you and crawled under the bed. You furrowed your brows in confusion as he made himself comfortable. Your eyes then widened in surprise as Astro wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.

"It's okay, Y/n. The thunder won't hurt you. You're safe in here." Astro comforted as he stroked your hair. You unclenched your fists and slowly nodded, calming down from your earlier fright.

"A-actually, I've kind of always been afraid of thunder." You admitted and buried your head in your arms.

Astro gave you a sympathetic look and continued to pat your head. Your breathing began to get slower and your eyes grew heavy. They then fluttered close and you fell asleep. Astro smiled and didn't stop stroking your hair. He then heard the door open and he peeked out from under the bed to see Ajeero, Abercrombie and Kennedy walk in while drying their heads.

Kennedy then glanced down at Astro and his eyes widened.

"Astro!? Why are you under the be-"

"Shhhhh! You'll wake Y/n." Astro scolded as he gestured to the sleeping beauty beside him. The three boys' mouths opened in realisation and they nodded. Ajeero then crouched down to you and raised an eyebrow at Astro.

"Why are the two of you under the bed in the first place?" Astro gave a small glance down at you and looked back up at Ajeero. You probably wouldn't like him going around telling everyone that you were afraid of thunder. Astro gave Ajeero a small smile and shrugged.

"What, we like going under beds." The three boys gave him a confused look and raised their eyebrows at each other.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now