Shopping spree

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You hummed in thought as you looked over the clothes in your wardrobe. You then smiled and nodded with satisfaction as you reached over and pulled out your usual outfit. You then threw on your clothes and made your way over to the mirror.

You stared at your reflection in the mirror and hummed in satisfaction.

"Yep! Lookin good, Y/n." You told yourself as you held your hand to your chin while checking yourself out. You then brushed your hair and styled it in your usual style. Once you were finished getting ready, you clenched your fists and exited your room.

You looked over the stair case with a thinking look and you slid down on the railing. You then passed by your grandfather who was watching the daily news. Your grandfather noticed you and turned towards you questioningly.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Your grandfather questioned. You glanced back at him and shrugged.

"Just going out and about." You replied nonchalantly. Your grandfather blinked at you in surprise and raised his eyebrow at you.

"Going out? But it's the weekend. You never go out on weekends unless we have either Astro or Abercrombie physically force you to leave the house." You shrugged again at this and slipped your hands into your pockets.

"Meh, I feel like going out today. Be back whenever gramps. See ya." You said before leaving the house. Your grandfather clicked his tongue and shook his head. He then turned back towards the news.


You strolled down the street while whistling a small and simple tune. The streets were a lot busier considering it was the weekend and all. You had to move more swiftly around the crowds so as to avoid bumping into people. Heck some of them wanted a conversation half the time.

Just as you swiftly dodged another pedestrian, you felt a pair of small arms wrap around your stomach. You blinked in surprise and looked down to see your favourite little robot.

"Oh, hey Zoran." You greeted casually. Zoran grinned up at you and stood back.

"Hey Y/n! It's a surprise to see you out here, especially on a weekend." Zoran told. You chuckled and ruffled her nonexistent hair.

"Eh, I felt like changing it up a bit. Say, is Astro with you?" You questioned as you looked around for the robot in question. Zoran shook her head.

"No, he's at home. I went out by myself." She said as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. Suddenly, someone pushed her forwards. Zoran gasped and fell into your arms. You caught her and chuckled.

"Maybe we should get out of here, it's really crowded huh." Zoran nodded and grabbed hold of your hand. She then dragged you away from the crowd while giggling.

Soon enough, the two of you ended up in a park. Zoran let go of your hand and faced you while grinning. The grin on her face then dropped as she eyed you up and down.

"Uh, Y/n? Are those the same clothes as you wore yesterday?" Zoran questioned as she gestured to your outfit. You looked over yourself and shrugged.

"I guess. Don't worry, they've been washed. So it's all good." You stated as you pressed the tip of your thumb to your pointer finger and gave her the 'a-ok' sign. Zoran pressed her lips into a thin straight line.

"Now that I think about it, you always where the same outfit. Don't you have any other outfits?" You hummed in thought.

"Um, not really. I don't mind this outfit though, it's my favourite." You admitted. Zoran frowned at you. She then took hold of your hand.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now