Part 53

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ethan's pov

"Hey, am I disturbing anything?" I ask. 

"No, come in!" Ruby gestures and I entered and sat next to her. 

"Hey Ethan" smiled Lucas. 

"Hey" I smiled back. "I hope you don't mind me coming" I added. 

"Nah, I'm cool with it. We kinda needed someone to take a look at our routine other than our coach" he chuckles. 

"Is it okay for me to hate your coach? She's kind of a bitch when shit doesn't go her way."

"It's fine, I hate her when she's like that too" he laughs. 

"Yeah, can't forget the time when Ruby was going through some tough stuff and that damn coach did nothing but multiply her misery."

"Don't remind me" she rolls her eyes. "Also how did you know about her yelling at me? I don't remember telling you. I've actually been wondering that for a while now." 

"Oh, Lucas called me after practise that day. He told me everything."

"Yeah" Lucas scratches his neck. "You told me a lot of good stuff about him so I thought he was probably the best person to comfort you. I hope you don't mind."

Ruby talked about me?? And good stuff too?? Wow, I feel fucking special. I hold in the big proud smile from appearing on my face. 

"I don't mind. I owe you big time actually" she smiled. 

What the fuck?

"So thank you for ringing Ethan. He helped me a lot on making me feel better."

I'm having mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. Am I jealous?

"Shut up you're so formal" Lucas laughs. "Your welcome regardless."

She smiles. "Anyway, let's get started. Ethan, you should sit there so that you'll get a better view" she points at a chair across the room, right beside a mirror. 

I nod and sat on the chair. 

"Gives us your reviews afterwards okay? And is it okay if you help us turn on the music?" Lucas added. 

"Sure" I said and Ruby handed me her phone. 

"Just press play on my cue" she says and gets into her position. She gestures me a thumbs up and I played the music. 

She started the routine solo and it was absolutely breath taking. They way she lifted up her feet in the air, her twirls and jumps and aerials, she nailed it ever so perfectly it excited me to see what's next. 

Then Lucas came in and he did his solo. His dance was like the male version of Ruby's. It didn't fail to impress me just as much as I was when Ruby did hers. 

But then Ruby got up and the two of them danced together. Not gonna lie, it ignited the burning flames of jealousy inside of me. The way he held her waist, the way he lifted her up and even the way she wrapped her legs around him when they did so definitely challenged my control to tear them apart from their embrace. 

And it didn't help the way they looked at each other as they dance, as if they were actually in love. 

She should be looking at me like that, not at him. 

I took a deep breath. Get your shit together Ethan. It's a fucking dance, and she's not even yours so don't get too ahead of yourself.

I checked the music on Ruby's phone. It still had 15 seconds left until it ends so I turned my gaze back to the both of them. 

They were about a feet apart. Good  I thought to myself. Just then, Ruby did a some twirl or tumbling of some sort and ended up a few centimetres away from him.

"For fucks sake" I lowly mumble. 

She walks towards him, as if that was still possible from the small gap in between them and she wrapped his arms around his neck while he placed his arms on her waist. 

No no, don't...

They hugged. 

I let out a sigh of relief. "That was amazing!" I beamed and clapped my hands. Amazingly challenging. Oh fuck you Lucas. 

"Thanks" they both said in unison. 

"Only one more week to go hm?" said Lucas. 

"Yeah. I think we can nail it."

"You think??" I snorted. "You certainly can! You both I mean." 

We laugh. "Hopefully. But yeah I admit that one was good."

"Mhm, you finally looked at me in the eye after countless of reminds!" Ruby hits his torso playfully. 

"Yeah, I almost didn't remember that by the way" he chuckles. 

"Well you did, and that's an improvement" she claps her hands. "Anyway, let's do one more round and go home." 

He hums in agreement and they got into position. 

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