Part 11

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"Before I forget, I have a serious question to ask you" she says, licking the cream off her fingers. 

"What is it?"

"Why are you strangely nice to me today? Yesterday you were a nuisance"

"I'm just trying to make amends from what happened yesterday. Does being nice need to come with solid reasons too?" 

"I need to know whats happening" she rolls her eyes. "But if you truly mean that then thank you" she smiles. 

I felt my heart beat 10, no 50 times faster when she flashed me that smile. The smile I always see when she's with her boyfriend now to me. 

"Why are your cheeks red?" she asks. 

My eyes widen in surprise. Fuck, am I blushing? 

"N-No, I'm actually kinda sick" I managed to say. I turned to the other way hoping my cheeks don't go any redder. 

"You are? You seemed fine just now." 

Stupid heart. Stupid, stupid, stupid heart. 

Once I felt myself calm down a little bit I face her. 

"Falling sick is unpredictable. It can get you any time." 

Same applies to falling in love ,my subconscious adds. 

"Hm okay" she replies, but I could tell she wasn't convinced. I don't blame her.

"Anyway" she crumbles the packaging and throws it into a nearby bin. "I need to get to class now. See you-"

"Now?? The bell hasn't rang yet."

"That's my point. I have to be there before the bell rings."

"What class do you have now?"


I snicker. "That class is just down the hall, I'm pretty sure you'd be there in time"

"How do you know it's 'just down the hall'?" 

"Because Calculus classes are only located in the Math hall? I've been here for years so I know where everything is" I say, a hint of cockiness in my tone. 

She rolls her eyes. "Okay, thanks for the additional information" she mocks. "But I'll get going now. I have to find Hazel. She's in Calculus with me."

"And? I don't see why you have to follow her around like a homeless puppy. She's you're student guide not your mom"

"I'm allowed to do what I want and find who I want and you don't deserve a say in it. I seriously don't need your nosy ass poking heads in my business" she snaps.

"Wow, bitter I see. Well I talked to Hazel this morning and if I'm precise, I know where she is right now and I was gonna tell you but with this salty attitude I might have to consider otherwise."

Her mouth gapes in disbelief. "You're unbelievable" she spat and walked away. 

I clench my jaw in anger. Why does she have to be so difficult? Just a bunch of questions and she's getting terribly hot-headed. 

I'm really gonna lose my cool with this girl. 

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