Part 28

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ethan's pov

The movie lasted around two hours-ish, it was actually pretty good. It's just a simple teenage romance about to individuals.. except not really that simple. Slightly cliché but what's a love story without it? 

I looked over to Ruby and she was wiping her tears with the sleeves of her shirt. 

"Was it that sad?" I said in a sad mocking tone. 

"Yes, or I wouldn't have been crying" she glares at me. "You boys don't have emotions don't you?"

"Yes we do! Don't say that just because we don't cry in sad movies." Yeah Ruby, we totally don't have emotions. 

"Wow did I hit a nerve?" she smirks. 

"No, just defending my kind. You would do the same wouldn't you?"

"Fine, I accept my defeat" she raises up her hands. "In all seriousness that was such a sweet movie.. the guy was so romantic. From the dates to putting a fake tattoo on for her, please I would want that" she cooes. 

"Want what? A tattoo?"

"Yeah! I want one beside my collarbone."

"What tattoo do you want it to be?"

"I haven't thought of it yet. But I doubt I'm allowed to get it anyway."

"What do you mean?" my eyebrows knot in confusion. 

"I haven't asked my manager yet, but if I do one hundred percent chance she'll say no. I mean, my dance uniforms for competitions and performances have a lot of mesh on it so I'm sure they'd want my skin to be clear."

"That's sad" I frown. 

"Yeah" she frowns along. "There's actually a lot of things I wanna do but I'm not able to. Like I wanna cut my hair short, dye it pale blue, get a tattoo, get a car when I'm at the legal age and drive the fuck outta here" she giggles. 

"But life isn't as simple as that. If I get a hair cut my manager isn't gonna be too happy about it, if I get a tattoo it would be super risky because I don't know a hidden place for one and I need her consultant for when I get a car, but that's a 50/50 chance so I can have some hope" she lets out. 

At that moment, I could almost feel her pain. I could almost feel of what it feels like to be someone known thus restricted to do the things you love. I just wanted to hold her hand right then and there, caress her face and tell her to fuck it. 

Fuck everyone that tells her not to do what she likes. Especially that damn manager. 

But I can't. At least not yet. Hopefully.

"D-Do you like dancing?" I ask.

"Sometimes" she sighs. "I like it because I'm good at it. But I hate it because it's not a passion or a dream I'd choose to achieve."

"So you.. don't like it?"

"Hm, so so."

"I see. Then what do you actually want to be?" 

She paused. That question caught her off guard. From her expression I could tell that no one has asked her this before.

"I don't know. I've never really thought of my future that much. Maybe it's because I'm expected by the world to continue dancing as a career so I guess they kinda already set the future for me."

Fuck. The urge for me to pull you into the tightest hug and the temptation to feel your tears soaking into my shirt, sharing your pain with me so that it's not as much as a burden anymore.

"God, I hate thinking about this." She pulls her hair in frustration. "I don't like thinking too much. It drives me insane." 

"Maybe that's the problem. Maybe you don't-" My words were interrupted by a ringing from my pocket. 

I fished out my phone. It's Hazel. 

Amazing timing.

I rolled my eyes and answered the call. 

"What is it?" I say. 

"You need to be home now, dad is expecting you."

I sigh. "Fine." I hung up. "Sorry but I have to go. My dad wants me home."

"Oh, okay then." We got out of her room and I grabbed my coat. 

"See you!" I smiled and headed out the door back home. 

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