Part 47

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Two hours later the movie had finally ended. Ruby stretches her arm in discomfort. 

"Ah, that was a good movie."

"Yeah it was."

She falls back into position. "What should we do now?"

"Let's record you sing" I smiled. 

"What? No.."

"Why? Your voice is beautiful."

"I'm shy. When I sang to you just now already took a lot in me."

"And it was worth it! Come on, the world needs to know that you could do more than dancing and interviews. We made a deal remember?"

"Fine. But what song should I do?"

"Hm, what about.. Everything I Need by Skylar Grey? Your voice suits the song well."

"Okay, I'll practise a bit first." She takes out her phone and sings the lyrics of the sentimental song. I tried my best not to stare at her to avoid her questions, and instead glued my eyes to my phone as I scrolled through social media as if an actual angel isn't serenading beside me right now.

"Okay I'm ready." I nod and prepared the camera. 

"On my cue.. and go!" 

She starts singing, and just like earlier I felt like I was in the presence of the gates to heaven. Her voice felt like remedy to pain and I couldn't control the redness of my cheeks and ears. Thank god my face was hidden from behind the phone and that she was looking down instead of at me. 

I could feel my heart thumping, like it's singing along to the melody of the song. My insides no longer felt like solids and the butterflies definitely didn't make it any better. 

When she stopped singing I pressed the stop button. 

"That was beautiful!" I beamed. 

"You really think so?" she says. 

"Yeah! When have I ever lied hm?"

She giggles. "Thanks Ethan. That kinda took a lot in me."

"No problem" I softly smiled. She returns the gesture. 

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