From Archenemy to Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

" Sarah I had a nightmare about you last night. I know I sound superstitious but I have this feeling of foreboding ever since. You are not keeping anything from me are you ? " Her words sent a chill down my spine. She had a very good intuition.

Often the dreams she dreamt came true. She had seen nightmares both before Dad and Sean's deaths.

" What did you see mom ?"

" I saw you falling off a cliff. I am screaming and no one is coming to help. I am just there watching helplessly. Sarah I want to come back. Sasha has Ethan. He will take care of her. I don't like the idea of you being there on your own. "

" Mom I am okay. Sasha is the one who really needs you. She's pregnant for the first time and Ethan is mostly away for work. He doesn't even have a mother or a sister who can help him. "

" Sarah please don't mind but I can't buy this whole thing about you and Aiden being in love with each other. He used to hate our family. How do I know he's not blackmailing you or holding you captive or something ?"

" Mom you have one wild imagination. Don't you remember how he crashed his car into that guy to save me ? Isn't that proof enough that he doesn't hate me ?"

" His not hating you is something I can accept but his falling in love with you considering the past you share is hard to believe. These things are only possible in dramas and films. You know yesterday Sasha pointed out that whenever he gets photographed he's always alone. Why doesn't he take you with him to all those fancy events and dinners he attends ?"

" Mom I think you are worrying too much. " I said hurriedly saying goodbye to her and hanging up. It was hard lying to her. But if I told her the truth she might come back and right now it wasn't safe for her to do so
Either that or she will whisk me away to Sasha and Ethan, and I know she will be too afraid to let me come back to this city again.

" How's your family ?" Aiden asked the next day.

" Mom has gotten suspicious. She's not buying this whole thing about you and me dating. She wants to come back. "

" Right now it's better that she stays there. But is there any particular reason why she's wanting to come back all of a sudden ?"

" Mom's saw this nightmare about me. And she's been agitated ever since. She thinks my life is in danger. Plus she said that whenever you are photographed hanging out you are alone so she suspects that our relationship is fake. "

I immediately felt a little embarrassed. The last sentence might have made him feel like I was indirectly begging him to take me out with him.

" How about tomorrow evening ? My friend invited me to her movie premiere. Why don't you come along ? There will be lots of photographers. It will give your mother all the assurance she needs. "

" But what about you ? If we are photographed like that together, it wouldn't cause any trouble for you right ? "

" People already think we are together. Plus I don't have any girl I am interested in whose reaction I would be afraid of. "

The next day I felt terrified and excited all at the same time. I was going to make a total fool out of myself in front of all the celebrities and the town's elite that would be present there.

Plus Aiden's friend who had invited him there was none other than Amanda. The same girl I had seen with Aiden the night of the hotel incident. She had acted all snobbishly, now I knew why. She was an actress and was quite a thing these days.

Tonight was her movie premiere and from the flirtatious way she was acting around Aiden, she was not going to be very welcoming towards his so called girlfriend: me.

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