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Annie's P.O.V.

I don't know what woke me but something did and when I opened my eyes it was pitch black and I blinked to make sure I did open my eyes and I did.

I felt my cheek was against something hard and it was rising and falling at a steady pace and I could hear a heartbeat.

My eyes widened.

Holy shit...

I fell asleep on Asher.

I want to get up but also I don't ever wanna leave this position.

And I could feel his strong arms were wrapped around me making me feel so safe and I couldn't help but smile.

And I can smell his cologne so much easier and I didn't have to be all creepy and leaning closer to smell him that I do— I mean definitely do NOT do at school or anything.

Ha, who would think I'd do that. Weirdos do that and I'm not a weirdo. Okay!

I'm not!

I don't purposely try to smell him okay? You got that?

Fine maybe I do lean closer to him now and again to get a little whiff, but so would you if you were in my position too so so back off a s don't even think about judging me.

After a soaked in another second of me basically lying on top of him I sat up and rubbed my eyes and let out a yawned.

I looked around and still saw nothing and I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 3:15 in the morning.

I let out a breath and turned on my flashlight and looked to see that Asher looks so cute when he's sleeping and I just had to take pictures of him. It was only a few and then I tried to wake him up by shaking him gently and he didn't move. I kept shaking him and still nothing.

I smirked and then brought my hand over to his chest and pinched his nipple kinda hard and he immediately shot up.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He said and shoved my hand away and grabbed his chest in pain and I just laughed.

"What the hell, LeBlanc?" He asked annoying still rubbing his chest.

"We better get back downstairs before everyone thinks that something is happening between us." I said and he chuckled.

"Like you groping me while I was asleep?" He wondered.

"Ha, you wish buddy." I said rolling my eyes and walked downstairs to see that everyone was asleep and I heard Asher not far behind me.

I looked and walked over to where Jack was sleeping on the couch and grabbed both of his wrists and pulled him off so he fell on the floor with a thud and he groaned.

But I knew he was such a deep sleeper so he just rolled over and didn't really notice it. I lied down on the couch and pulled a blanket over me.

"You do realize that there is enough room for you on this side of the couch that you didn't need to do that?" Asher asked chuckling.

"I was trying to be polite and leave it for you." I said smiling innocently.

"Polite?" He asked rolling his eyes. "Right." He said sarcastically.

He then sat down across from me and just looked at me. I put my head down on the arm of the couch and stretched out and my feet touched his legs.

"Hopefully you don't have a foot fetish? Pretty Boy." I said giggling as I closed me eyes.

"Not for your nasty ass feet." He said chuckling and shoved my feet off to the side.

"Oh, so you do have a foot fetish for someone's feet." I said smirking. "Let me guess, is it Carson?" I wondered.

Just a kiss// Ashannie Where stories live. Discover now