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Asher's P.O.V.

"So can I asked you a question?" I asked as she walked back to me.

"You can ask. Not so sure I'll answer it though."  She shrugged.

"Why do you keep on kissing me?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes and looked off to the side. "If you don't tell me I'm gonna continue thinking that you have my name tattooed somewhere on your body." I said smirking pointing her up and down and the second time I stopped his point at her... you know... area.

She immediately swatted my hand away so no one would see and I just laughed as her cheeks started turning red.

"Well, tell me then. Or that's one luck tattoo artist." I said and completely regretted saying that. She just raises her eyebrows and eyes widened. "Wait, no no. I'd mean it like that." I said and it was my turn to go red.

"Okay, are we does talking about my vagina?" Annie asked crossing her arms.

"Yes please." I said nodding uncontrollably. This made me way more uncomfortable then it made her.

"Good." She said letting out a breath. "Awhile back I was dating this guy from Millwood—" She started to say but I cut her off a little surprised.

"Hold on. You had a boyfriend? Someone actually put up with you?" I asked chuckling.

"Nope." She said popping the p.

Okay, now I'm confused.

"I thought he had but he ended up cheating on me the entire time with a few different girls." And when she said that my stomach dropped and I clenched my jaw. "After I found out I broke up with him even though he kept telling me that it wasn't true and shit like that and I obviously didn't believe him. But he kept on following me around and showing up at school." As she told me this I just stared at her paying attention to her face and I could tell that she was being truthful. I looked like it was hard for her to tell me and the pissed me off. Who is this guy and why did he do this to Annie?

"And that day on the track after you ran into me." She said and I just let out a soft chuckle. "I saw him hiding behind a bush just watching us like a pervert and before I tried telling him that I was with someone else but he didn't believe me and said that I was obsessed with him so I decided to show him I was over him by kissing you. And then that day at lunch I saw him too so I kissed you and then again tonight Jack saw him at the diner so to save you from the torture, you so graciously call it, I just held your hand but he said that Ha— my ex was walking towards us so I kissed you because I couldn't face him." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks and she was about to say this assholes name but stopped herself.

I brought my hand up and cupped her cheek gently and wiped a few tears away and she just smiled weakly and looked anywhere but at me.

I pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around my waist and I just stared a head. Who the fuck is this guy?

Now that I understand why Annie did the stuff she did I can't be completely pissed at her for kissing me. I still don't like it and would prefer she doesn't do it again and I have a feeling she's still gonna annoy me to no end but I could react better to it.

After a second I dropped my arms from around her and I looked down to see that her eyes were still closed and had a tight grip around me.

Okay, get off me now. It's okay, you can do it. Just release. Any second now.

Finally she let go of me and looked up at me and I looked confused back down at her.

"Sorry." She said quickly and looked at the ground.

"It's fine. Just don't get use to it. The next time you kiss me imma punch you in the nose." I said making her roll her eyes.

"Even if I see my ex?" She asked.

"Even if you see your ex." I said nodding making Annie cross her arms.

"And here I was thinking that we were starting to get somewhere." She said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Think again, LeBlanc." I said, "So who even is your ex?" I asked wanting to know who this dude was.

"No way. You seem like someone who would not mind getting into a fight." She confessed.

"And what? You don't think I can take him?" I asked frowning my eyebrows.

"Well..." She trailed off and I just walked away from her.

I looked towards Jayden and she was just standing alone and I walked up to her. "Oh, so your dork left you? What a gentleman." I laughed.

"Shut up." She said. "So what was that with you and Annie?"

"What do you mean?" I asked looking down at her.

"For one, you stared at her at the diner when she was closer to you and you were blushing." She said smirking.

"Yeah, so what?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Do you think she's beautiful?" She asked and I rolled my eyes, "Fine, pretty then?" She corrected.

"She's cute okay." I said crossing my arms and starting to get a little defensive.

"Aww." Was all she said.

"Shut up." I said and looked back at Annie and Jack and I looked like they were talking all secretive.

"No, I purposely left that part out." I heard Annie whispered back as Jayden and I walked back over to them.

"What's with the whispering?" Jayden asked looking between them.

"Oh, Jack was just talking about you and the little goof gets embarrassed around you." Annie said ruffling his hair but she was lying and Jayden didn't seem to catch on.

"Hey, not that hair." Jack said shoving her hands away.

"Aww." Was all Jayden said and walked over to him and put her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest and Jack was trying to contain his smile and his cheeks were turning red as he put one arm around her.

I let out a soft chuckle when I saw Annie watching them. 

"God, don't cry about it." I said.

"Shut up." She said still smiling and didn't take her eyes of Jayden and Jack.

"Y-you want me to drive you home?" Jack asked Jayden kinda nervously making me roll my eyes.

"Sure." She said smiling.

"You can get home?" Jack asked looking at Annie and she nodded.

"Asher." Jayden said giving me a look and then they walked out.

"Ugh, do you want me to take you home?" I groaned out and dropped my head back and stared up making her giggle.

"That's very kind of you to offer but I'm fine thanks." She said and walked out to the parking lot.

"Wait, what? Really?" I asked following her out.

"Yeah, walking is good for the soul." She said and me rolled my eyes. "Plus, I don't live that far from here." She shrugged.

"Okay, goodnight, LeBlanc." I said.

"Night, P.B." She said smiling and started walking down the street. I watched her for a second longer.


Y'all I don't know if you guys watch Bachelor in Paradise but I'm watching it right now with John Paul Jones and Derek fighting and I kinda hate Derek and absolutely love JPJ so Derek needs to back the fuck off.

Love you all💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Where stories live. Discover now