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Annie's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next morning and my face hurts so much it's wasn't even funny. I put my hand to my cheeks and they were burning up a little and I looked around rubbing one of my eyes and saw that I was still wearing my clothes from last night and still in Asher's sweatshirt.

I smiled a little and brought the sleeve up to my face and smelled it and god, he's scent is so addictive I just can't get enough of it.

But back to me feeling all hot— and not in the way I'd like, I came to the conclusion that from crying out in the rain for a few hours I got a cold.

That's fucking great.

That also means I can't kiss Asher or he'll get sick. Which is ten times worse.

I did not want to go to school today but Syd would kill me if I miss practice. I rolled out of my bed and put on my black Alec Benjamin sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

You catching my drift of not wanting to be noticed today?

I looked in the mirror and I was pretty pale which made my bruises really pop. This is one of the rare occasion when I put on makeup to try to hide it a little but I'm pretty shitty at makeup so it looks not very good.

I slumped downstairs and saw Hayley eating cereal and she just looked at me with a confused expression on her face.

"Well, you look like shit." She said making me raise my eyebrows at her.

"One, don't use language like that, and two, I know." I said and sat down next to her.

"Let me guess, Mia again?" She wondered and I nodded. "She's such a bitch." Hay said rolling her eyes and I glared at her.

"Hayley!" I groaned annoyed.

"What? It's the truth. I hated her when we were in Maryland too." Hayley said crossing her arms.

"Even if you are right, don't go around using those words." I scolded.

"You do. When Jack is over I hear you two cussing up a storm all the time." She said glaring back.

That's it true, I rant to Jack at lot because the girls and Luke would just get mad and want to try to protect me. Jack knows that trying to protect me could just me more hurt so he just gives me good advice about how to deal with it and let's me vent to him.

"Just, watch your mouth around me got it?" I asked and she rolled her eyes at me again.

"Yeah, whatever mom." She said and went up stairs.

Damn, I do sound like our mom. Wow.

I was about to grab an apple from the fruit bowl when I heard a car horn honk.

The fuck?

I looked out the window and saw Asher in his car. I let out a breath and opened my front door and looked at him and he just rolled down the window and said "Get in loser." Smirking.

"Please tell me that you did not just quote 'Mean Girls'?" I said rolling my eyes.

"My sister makes me watch it at least once a month. So hurry up and get your shit together." He said and I giggled a little and grabbed my backpack from inside and then locked the door behind me knowing that Hayley would get a ride from Lilia.

I got into Asher's car and he started to drive the way to the pier. "You're always late to our tutoring sessions and since I know where you live now, I'll be picking you up and driving you there and to school."

Okay Julianna, control your breathing. He means it so that he won't be in inconvenience not because he likes you.

Just chill girl.

"It's not my fault for always being late. Your the one holding Roxie hostage." I said crossing my arms and sat back in the seat and I heard him laugh.

"Hey, can we save the banter for when it is really necessary, like around the guys and the Chicken Girls?" He asked and glanced over at me.

I had to bite down hard on my lip to not smile. And it hurt like a mother fucking bitch because I still had a cut on my bottom lip from Mia as I've said before and I don't seem to be letting it go anytime soon.

"Okay." Was all I said and I looked at him slightly so he wouldn't notice and I saw him with a smile on his face with those god damn dimples.


I gladly didn't see Mia at all today which was amazing and without their leader, Kimmy and Jenna have no fucking idea what to do and it's pretty funny.

And Asher is still kinda being a dick to me but I can tell that because of our conversation in his car last night that he I mostly doing it just to get our friends to not suspect anything.

Not that there is anything to suspect... unfortunately.

But when we were in Spanish, we all had to get into pairs and I basically ran over to Asher and made him my partner and since none of our friends were in that class he was nicer to me and it was pretty fun.

But now it's lunch and everyone is around so I started being annoying to Asher. He started to get pretty pissy and all that usual shit but I could tell that he really had to think of insults towards me.

"Okay, guys. Can you please just calm down and quit fighting with each other. This is really staring to get annoying." Syd said looking at me and him.

"Your annoyed? Try listening you his whiny ass voice all... day... long." I said putting my hands up.

"My voice? Have you heard yourself lately?" Asher asked looking down at me and I couldn't help but blush a little as his eyes were on me.

"Yeah, and that's how I know—" I began to say but Drew walked over to our table and he had a folded piece of paper in his hand.

"Hey, Annie. Some dude told me to give this to you." He said and handed me the note and then walked back over to his boyfriend.

I looked down at it confused. I unfolded the paper and it read,

Not sure I like that asshole kid you've being hanging around with and kissing recently. We need to talk. I'll stop by your house later tonight. Love you, babe.  

When I read this my stomach dropped and I felt like I was gonna vomit. I looked over to my left and saw that Asher was looking over my shoulder at the paper.

I immediately crumpled it up nervously and leveled my breathing a little. I looked up to see that everyone was looking at me, "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Hey I think that we should all have an all nighter at my house... tonight." Jack said and casually put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder and since he's such a flirt none of them thought any different of that but I knew that he saw the note and didn't want Hayden to stop by my house while I was alone.

Luckily everyone agreed including Asher and he seemed a little concerned.


Aww, Asher being all sweet to Annie again and nervous for her. Sorry I don't know what to say for this right now. I'm really tired and it's pretty late here.

But I am wearing my Alec Benjamin hoodie like the one Annie has in real life and in this book. So yay.

Love you all💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα