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Asher's P.O.V.

Holy shit, did all of that fucking happen last night. I was still laying in my bed and hand my hands in my hair just staring up at my ceiling and took a few deep breaths.

I pulled on my hair a little and groaned angrily trying to figure out what happened to Annie last night. Who would hurt her.


What if it's her crazy ex-boyfriend? Once I find this son of a fucking bitch, I will destroy him and make sure he never even looks at Annie again.

I let out another breath trying to collect my thoughts and then sat up, I brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair.

I got dressed into a green shirt with grey long sleeves, and khaki pants and slung my neck pack over one of my shoulders and walked downstairs.

I grabbed my keys from the rack and was about to walked out to my car. "Hey hey hey, where are you going?" My mom stopped me.

"Uhh, I gotta go pick up Annie." I said pointing my thumb at the door.

"Oooh." London and Avi said in sync in a sing song tone and they both had cheeky smiles on their faces.

"Who's Annie?" My mom asked with an equally smug smirk on her face.

"She's nobody." I said shaking my head.

"It's Asher's girlfriend." Avi blurted out.

"And he's in love with her." London said quickly too.

Where that hell did that come from?

I glared at my younger siblings and flinched towards them to make it look like I was gonna go after them and they immediately ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"She's just a girl, who I'm helping with Spanish." I clarified to my mom and she was still just smiling.

"You sure?" She pushed.

"Yes, I am. And stop smiling all creepy like." I said rolling my eyes.

"When'd you meet this girl?" My mom asked and I just sighed.

"Uhh, I don't know, a month or so ago." I said shrugging.

"Hm-hmh." She murmured.

"What?" I complained.

"It's just that about three weeks ago you've started being a little sweeter to your brother and sister. That's all." She said and walked away from me.

I bit my lip and stood there for another second and just walked out to my car. I drive to Annie's house and honked my car horn.

I looked to she and opened the front door and looked at me and I just rolled down the window and said, "Get in loser." With a smirk on my face.

"Please tell me that you did not just quote 'Mean Girls'?" She begged rolling her eyes.

"My sister makes me watch it at least once a month. So hurry up and get your shit together." I said and it caused Annie giggle which made me smile a little.

She got into my car and I began driving to the pier. "You're always late to our tutoring sessions and since I know where you live now, I'll be picking you up and driving you there and to school." I said glancing over at her.

I saw that she had tried hiding her bruises with makeup but I could still see them a little and that made me sick.

God, what is it about this girl that makes me want to protect her so much?

"It's not my fault for always being late. Your the one holding Roxie hostage." She said crossing her arms and sat back in the seat causing me to chuckle a little.

"Hey, can we save the banter for when it is really necessary like around the guys and the Chicken Girls?" I asked and glanced over at her for a second time and saw that she just bit her lip and it took her a minute to reply to me.

"Okay." Was what she said when she finally did say something to me and I could only smile at her awkward pauses of silence.


Because of what me and Annie talked about last night and a little in the car this morning I was still being an asshole to her but I have a feeling that she knows this it's annoying for me.

But when it came around to Spanish, we all had to get into partners and Annie basically ran over to me and made me her partner and since none of the guys or Chicken Girls were in that class I quit being such a dick to her and it was really fun.

And now it's lunch and I was sitting next to Annie which would have been great but everyone is around so Annie started being annoying to me but it didn't get under my skin that much but I couldn't show that.

So I pretended to get all pissy like that usual shit but I couldn't think of asshole things to say to her which seems like a good thing for us but then again not because our friends will be really annoying about it all.

"Okay, guys. Can you please just calm down and quit fighting with each other. This is really staring to get annoying." Sydney said looking at me and Annie.

"Your annoyed? Try listening you his whiny ass voice all... day... long." She said putting her hands up.

"My voice? Have you heard yourself lately?" I asked looking down at her and oddly enough I saw her go red a little.

Did I embarrass her?

"Yeah, and that's how I know—" She began to say but Andrew walked over to our table and he had a folded piece of paper in his hand.

"Hey, Annie. Some dude told me to give this to you." He said and handed the note to Annie and then walked back over to some guy.

I watched her as she unfolded the paper and I looked over she shoulder to read what it said.

Not sure I like that asshole kid you've being hanging around with and kissing recently. We need to talk. I'll stop by your house later tonight. Love you, babe.  

My eyes widened as I read it. It's him. It's her ex. This kid it totally gonna pay for all this torment.

She saw that I looked at it and she immediately crumpled it up and I watched her slip it into her back pocket.

Everyone was looking at her and she seemed a little uncomfortable about it, "What?" She asked.

"Nothing. Hey I think that we should all have an all nighter at my house... tonight." Jack said and casually put his arm around Annie and rubbed her shoulder.

I think that he did it because he read what I read and not because of him being such a flirt with everyone.

Everyone agreed to spent the night at Jack's place tonight and I am too because she'll be safer with us and not alone at her house.


Okay, I'm gonna take a small break, the smallest break possible from this book and work on my other Ashannie one It All Started With A Sticky Note so you should check that one out if you want and I'll be back at this one in a few days.

Love you all💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora