36. Too far

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Today was the second day of school and the day we signed up for sports. I got on the bus and got through the ride fine. We got to homeroom and that's where we signed up for sports. I signed up for swimming and soccer, Lee signed up for wrestling and Adam didn't want to do a sport. I was walking to second period with my friends when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my butt and balls. I yelped then looked to see who was doing it, no surprise it was Jason. "Jason let him go." Lee told him. He didn't listen and just pulled harder until I was up on my toes trying to ease the pressure, "Stop!" I demanded. He just laughed then lifted me off the ground completely and bounced me before letting go, "Jerk." I grumbled punching him in the side.

He bent over and clutched his stomach before letting go and throwing a punch at my face. I grabbed his fist with both hands and held it where it was. He then swung his other fist but I ducked it and pushed him away. When he came at me again Lee stopped him, "Dude let it go, it's not worth it." He told his brother, who then shoved him away and huffed, "Fine! So Lee are you doing wrestling with me?" He asked changing subjects, "Yeah! I hope we both make varsity." Lee smiled, "What about you losers? Are you nerds going to fail at any sports this year or did you not sign up." He asked, "I'm doing soccer and swimming." I answered still fixing my briefs, "I'm taking swimming too, now we'll have even more time together." He informed me putting me in a headlock and giving me a noogie. He then grabbed my waistband and yanked it back up to my shoulders making me squirm.

I eventually slipped out of his grip and pushed him away before adjusting my underwear again and fixing my hair, "What about you." He asked Adam, "Uh, I-I didn't do any uh sports, s-sir." He spoke keeping his gaze locked on the floor, "I should've known the princess wouldn't sign up, they don't offer ballet." He mocked pushing Adam. I immediately pushed him back which made him mad. He threw a punch at my face but I ducked and he punched a locker. He then cursed and rubbed his hand which made me smirk, "Remember our deal." I warned, "Yeah, yeah, leave the fag alone." He grumbled, "Make sure you meet up with me after school for my homework and a swirlie." He ordered before walking away, "Wait Jason!" I called but he pretended not to hear me.

We finished walking to 2nd period then after we were dismissed we headed to lunch. We got there and the 8th graders were already eating which meant I had lunch with Jason. We all got our food then walked to a table. Wouldn't you know it about 5 steps after paying Jason came up and slapped my tray, spilling food all over my shirt, "God damn it!" I growled, "Oops, didn't see you there metal mouth." Jason sneered. One of the ladies ringing up the students' lunches saw and closed down her line to help me. She told me to go get a fresh shirt from the nurse then when I came back she would let me get another lunch and not pay for it. I thanked her for her kindness then did just that.

After lunch I walked to 4th period with my new shirt only to be stopped by Jason and two friends, "What do you want Jason?" I asked not in the mood to deal with him, "Well first I want you to call me sir like a good little nerd." He said making me roll my eyes, "And second?" I inquired skipping right past his stupid comment, "Second, I need to punish you for getting me in trouble. That lunch lady gave me detention." He informed me, "But I didn't do anything! You slapped the tray out of my hands and she saw it happen!" I protested, "You say that like I give a ***." He laughed. I knew they were about to grab me so I tried to think of anything that might save me from whatever they were about to do, "Woah, what happened to Lee?" I asked trying to sound as concerned as possible and pointing past them. All three of them looked so I bolted.

I ran as fast as I could taking a different way to my next class. I was pushing past and weaving through groups of people, slowly increasing the gap between us. When I was a little more than half way to my next class I heard Jason shout, "Hey Collin, stop that nerd!" I immediately started looking around but didn't see the foot pop out in front of me making me trip and hit the ground hard. I tried to get up but Collin grabbed my shirt. I pushed him off but then 6 hands grabbed me and I was officially screwed, "I thought you hated Collin for what he did to Lee!" I said, "We made up, he owned up to and apologized for being such a **** to Lee." He informed me forcing me to my feet, "Now to your punishment for getting me in trouble."

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