21. Nerd loses his diary

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It had been a week since the last passage took place and that day I messed up BAD. I took my book bag along on a trip yesterday and put my journal in it so that I had it for the drive. Well the next day I needed to use it for school again so I took everything out. At least I thought I took everything out. I was at school that day and was putting my backpack in my locker when Jason slapped it out of my hands. The entire contents spilled all over the floor and out flew my Journal along with everything else. Sadly it was labeled Luke's Journal, Jason snatched it and immediately started reading it, "Hey! Give me that back!" I ordered, "Jason started punching me in the stomach, over and over. I was doubled over gasping for air when he punched me in the face knocking me over. He put his feet on my shoulders then grabbed my underwear and pulled. He then grabbed my leg holes and pulled for a minute before my briefs ripped. It really really hurt then and still hurts now. Wow nerd, I can't believe you write this stuff down, do you enjoy it or something?" Jason asked after reciting a few lines from my journal, "No I don't like it!" I yelled still trying to grab my journal and stop his snooping.

"You write about me in your diary a lot, do you have a thing for me or something? I always thought you were gay but this is just weird." Jason said making my cheeks get red, "I'm not gay and it isn't a diary it's my journal!" I said making Jason laugh. He dropped my journal then grabbed me and gripped my underwear. He yanked me into the air making me grunt in pain. He hooked my white briefs over the top of my locker and shut the door then dropped me making my briefs shoot up to the back of my neck, "Owww!" I howled making Jason laugh. He then grabbed my legs and forced them out from under me. I was trying to fight back but every move I made amplified the pain. My feet were no longer on the floor and Jason kept it that way. He then found a way to keep my legs off the floor and pull down with all his might, "Yeow! Agh stop stop stop!" I cried out in anguish. There was sharp, burning pain in my butt and 'special area'. My butt was now only less than a foot away from the ground and my stuck waistband was a few inches above my head. He let go of my legs so I was able to stand easing the pain a very little bit. He picked my journal back up and kept reading it, chuckling every few sentences. He finally stopped reading and said, "I'll give you something else write about." He then started trying to grab me.

I was throwing punches but he ducked them. He then punched me in the side extremely hard, "Oof!" The air got knocked out of me then he punched me agin in the same spot. Now that I had stopped struggling and was only focused on the pain in my side along with the slicing and tearing feeling in my nether regions Jason started his work. He grabbed my legs and started walking backwards, the pain intensified as Jason pulled more and more. When he couldn't walk back any further he stopped. He made sure he still had good grip on my legs then leaned back with all his might. He then leaned forward and pulled back again 3 times in a row, "Yeeoow! AGH! AAGH! AAAGH! STOP!" I yelled trying my best not to cry. I tried to hold back my tears but it was some of the most intense and agonizing pain I had ever been in up until that point so I started to cry. He pulled really hard one more time making me screech as the back ripped. I still wasn't free yet though because the leg holes and entire front of my briefs were still fully intact, "Please let me go Jason this hurts so bad!" I implored begging for mercy as I continued to cry in anguish. He didn't listen and started the process of leaning forward then yanking back all over again.

After a few more violent tugs the waist band ripped completely off of the rest of my underwear. I fell to the ground and looked up to see my now severed waistband still adorning my locker. My legs were shaking as I slowly tried to stand. While I was struggling Jason grabbed my still intact leg holes and yanked me into the air making me squeal like a girl. He bounced me twice then on the third bounce the leg holes also ripped sending me to the floor again. I was still crying and was no longer even trying to stand. Jason just stood there and enjoyed watching me suffer, "Are you okay Luke?" Adam asked coming over to me. All I could do was look at him and groan. The bell went off so Jason said, "I gotta go, see ya later nerds. Oh and I'm keeping your diary." Adam helped me stand and I opened my locker then unhooked my ripped waistband. I threw the shredded remains of my tighty whities in the garbage before grabbing my books and uncomfortably walking to class. After 1st period I was on my way to get a spare pair of briefs to put on when Jason pantsed me. I looked down and just stood there shocked for a few seconds as students pointed and laughed. I couldn't believe he did that but I quickly snapped back to reality and pulled up my pants before running away feeling humiliated.

I made it to my locker and grabbed my spare briefs then headed to the bathroom to change. I changed and headed to meet up with Ashley who was finally back at school after being sick. I gave her the biggest hug and kiss I possibly could which surprised her, "Wow, what was that about?" She asked, "That was for you being such an amazing girlfriend." I said kissing her forehead this time. We walked to our next class and talked the entire way. By the time we were almost at the room I wasn't in a bad mood anymore. My butt was still sore and Jason still had my journal but when I see her smile or hear her laugh I feel nothing but happiness. We got to class and I sat down with Ashley but wouldn't you know it when Jason walked in he sat in the seat behind me. He leaned forward and said, "You're coming to my house after school so I can test some new things out on you." He said making my stomach knot up, "Hell no! That's sounds terrible, I'm not doing that!" I whisper shouted.

"You WILL do that unless you want me to wedgie you so hard and so long that your kids will walk funny. Seriously I'll give you the kind of wedgie that makes you unable to sit for a year, then do what I was originally going to do to you anyway, got it?" He threatened, "Y-yeah, I-I'll be there." I promised stuttering because I was scared, "You sound like that little retard that follows you and Ashley around." Jason ridiculed, "Don't talk about him like that!" I yelled standing up, "Mr. Powers! What seems to be the problem?" He asked obviously frustrated, "Nothing." I replied sitting back down, "I'll come to your house, just leave Joe alone and not only for a day, for good. He's a kind and loving kid who doesn't even eat meat because he feels too guilty that it's an innocent animal. There is no reason to bully him and in your heart you know it's crossing a line." I tried to reason, "Just come to our house tonight." He said leaning back in his chair.

He left me alone one the rest of the day and I made it home fine. I really contemplated not going but I knew if I didn't he would still get me eventually. The longer I avoided it the worse he'd beat me when he caught me. I asked my mom if I could go to Lee's house and she said yes. (I kinda wish she said no so I had an excuse to not go.) I arrived at the Edwards household and knocked on the door. Lee opened up, "Oh, hey Luke. What are you doing here?" He asked letting me inside, "Jason forced me to come. Are your parents here?" I asked hoping I wasn't just at the mercy of Jason without anybody around, "No our parents won't be home for a couple hours." He answered shattering my hopes of any kind of adult intervention. Just then Jason walked down the stairs, "Glad you could make it nerd, let's get to the fun." He said making me regret not pushing it off.

Jason grabbed my arm and forced me into the kitchen, "Jason what's going on? What are you doing to Luke?" Lee asked trying to get answers, "I found this nerd's diary so now I'm testing some things I learned about him." He replied pushing me to the ground and grabbing a lemon from the counter, "It's not a diary!" I defended. 0I stood up and Lee came to see if I was okay while Jason cut the lemon in half. Jason grabbed my face and tried to make me open my mouth. I pushed him away from me and when he came at me again I grabbed his shirt then swept his foot. When he was on the ground I got in a defensive stance, "Well look, the nerd is finally standing up for himself." Jason said getting up and attacking me again. I dodged his hands and pushed him away but he turned around and elbowed me in the face.

When I was on the ground he grabbed the lemon off the floor and forced my mouth open. He squeezed the entire half of the lemon into my mouth and my face immediately twisted. I hated then and still hate sour things still to this day, they make me sick to my stomach and hurts my mouth. Unfortunately Jason now knew this. I started choking on the seeds that got into my mouth all while my face was still contorted. I coughed up the seeds so I could breathe normally again but I couldn't untwist my face. Jason was pointing and laughing hysterically at the disgusted faces I was making as I got up to get water. After my drink I felt better and was back to looking normal.

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