Chapter 1: Ready? Start.

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"mer...", a raspy voice echoed off the walls of the room.

I tried to open my eyes, but they felt like lead so I gave up trying. My bare skin against the floor felt like ice and it stung, plus the whole left half of my body ached. I could tell I had broked a few ribs, an ankle, and I'm positive your arm is not supposed to bend that way. It was agonizing, this pain, like I couldn't move at all. I'm sure it was fear, fear of what had done this to me, fear of repeating this incident again, that held me to this spot. I could feel the blood. It was wet, and as it dried, slowly, it became sticky, and left a layer of grime over my skin. I felt dirty, I wasn't wearing only my blood, no, I would have been fine if it were that. I was drenched in a mixture of my friends' blood.

"Summer...", I could here the voice pleading with desperation and the tone was coated with pain and agony. I forced my eyes open, that voice, God that voice.

"Emmy..." I called back. The action was painful, my lips were dry and my throat felt as if it were slit. I used my right arm to force myself up into a sitting position.

The room was dark, grey, and the walls were painted with different shades of red, accompanied by fleshy chunks of whatever. It smelled like death and it took me all my strength not to retch all over myself. The sole source of light was a flickering lantern, hung on the south wall by a red thread. Countless times I've been in this room, yet I never get used to it.

"Emmy?" I called out again, looking around in the room for her. There were several bodies, but I couldn't see her.

"Here." It was barely a whisper. About five feet away, a limp figure that was mutilated beyond recognition lie with blood-matted hair. Oh god. I gagged and flung my head to the left, emptying the contents of my stomach for the fifth time in the past hour.

"Emmy..." I cried, crawling forward, ingoring the sharp pinch everytime I put pressure on my arm. "Emmy..." I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

There was a gurgling sound, then a hic, followed by a sob. She parted her lips, "Run. Away." Her eyes widened in terror. Her gaze was fixed on something behind me, and I didn't need to look back to know what is was. But I did, and an axe came crashing down onto my skull. It made an interesting sound, but I only heard it for a second before my eyes snapped open.

"Heheh, Summer, you dreaming 'bout Robby again?" A bubbly voice came from behind me.

"Emmy!" I turn and hug her, her blue eyes shining with delight. "Actually I can't remember what I was thinking about." I pressed my lips together.

"Again? You should see a doctor. This is getting out of hand." her concerned look made her look a lot more mature than she was.

"Oh shut up. I'll be able to remember in a few minutes." I grumbled, slinging my satchel over my shoulder. She was right though, the lack of memories from something that happened only moments ago was getting pretty tiring. I say I'll be able to remember, but I never do.

We started off towards the school, it was the first day and we were both super excited. Our first year of high school. There was a large metal plaque with "Boundless Heights' High" printed in bold, black, letters. This was the only high school in town, and that was all we needed. Boundless Heights was a small town, with only 1,500 or so people living here, it was quaint and looked like something out of a fairy-tail. Most of the buildings are over a century old, but had a few modern adaptions, for example the high school. It's the oldest building in the whole town, but they added a new wing, the west wing, and most of the rooms are new too.

I looked to my left, watching Emmy happily stroll at the edge of the sidewalk, walking with an intentional limp and her arms swaying my her waist. She always had the most amusing look on her face when she was silent like this, it was a mix of both deep-thought and pleasure, it was childish, really. Emmy always acting like a child, she throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, she whines and complains, she is immature and care-free, and she's completely naive. Still, no matter how much of a brat she is, she's still my best friend. I actually pity her a little, she had a hard childhood and she never got to act her age then. I suppose that's why she is the way she is now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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