The Mystery School! Fearless Detective Jones On The Case!

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 No one questions the events that happen in Boundless Heights' High, if you do, you're as good as dead. There's a strange enigma around the school, no one is allowed in it after hours, no ones ever told me why though. With blank eyes they just say,

"Don't. Go. In. The. School."

It's pretty suspicious if you ask me, I've read blogs about it- they're quite good! Before anyone gets anywhere good though... they just stop. Like, the person is never heard from again! That's why... I... I've decided! My club and I are going in to solve the mysteries that surround this highschool. I'll be posting my progress on this blog.

On another note~ If there is something wrong- and this blog is discontinued like the others. PLEASE DO NOT INVESTIGATE! Leave this story be, some things are better left unknown, and just because I let my curousity get the better of me, does /not/ mean you should let your's too!

 Wish me luck, my fellow occult lovers!

posted by// Jamie Jones 9:45 a.m. September 5th 2009



Short prolouge is short ; o ;

I think it fits perfectly though. Even though the story will /not/ be told entirely from this point of view, I think the articles are an important part of the story. It allows a deeper voice to be present, one that wouldn't be there if the story was told in only third or first person. I don't know. I like it. I won't change it because it's essentially really important. So kay. Bye---

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