Chapter 2. This is Airachnid we are talking about!

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Creators = parents
Carrier = mother
Sire = father
Sparkling= kid=child
Youngling = teenager or a young transformer
Nanoclick = second
Click = minute
Nanocycle = hour
Cycle = day
Harmony's POV
We are walking through this thing called groundbridge. It looks so beautiful! A blue tunnel with sparks shining everywhere. My sublings and I have seen it before but never had a chance to use. I wonder where we are going... Freedom squeezes my servo a bit harder, she must be nervouse... Ravage is walking by my side trying not to use his damaged claw andI put my servo on his back. When the tunnel ends, we find ourselves in some kind of a dark room with metallic walls. The big Decepticon started leading us through long corridors, while the others were still aiming at our backs. For which reason? I don't know. Paranoia? Mey be... But I must say that being aimed at makes me feel uncomfortable.
Corridors , corridors, corridors... How big can this place be?! I look back to see Striker and notice that he is also looking arround. Ravage is at my right. Freedom isn't showing any emotions and that is realy weard. She isn't always like this... As for Noble. He is walking in front. I'm sure he is also nervous but our big brother is the best in hiding his emotions so I can only gues what is going on in his mind right now...
"This place is big, where are anyway?" Striker couldn't keep his curiosity under control but is pushed by one of the Drons "Hey!"
The big Con turns his head and a smirk appears on his face."You must have heard about The Nemesis..."and he is more then pleased by the site of my siblings' surprised faceplates. If I am correct, we are on the Decepticon war spaceship... flying...high...that means...we have no way to escape...
" Now, listen to me." I am brought back from my thought by the Decepticon's voice. I look up. He isn't even looking at us. He is so huge! Higher than Noble.( And I am a half of my brothers height... Can you imagine how I feel?)
" You are going to meet Lord Megatron himself. You kneel and do not stand up unless he orders to. Do not look in his optics. Do not speak without his permission. Is-that-correct." I must say this sounded as an order and not as a question. Wait! Did he just said 'Lord Megatron'?! But this is the name of...And the understanding hit me. How stupid I am, no wonder why my sister behaves oddly. We are on the war spaceship meeting the leader of the Decepticon race. Than I finally saw a metallic door.Was I scared now? Yes.
Striker's POV
Is he kidding?! 'Kneel, do not look in his optics, do not speak...' We are going to meet Megatron, not a wild animal! I'm not a Decepticon then why should I do all this things?! Whatever...Noble's words passed in my processor ' not do anything stupid...'. Man, big bro knows us too well! Alright, I'll keep my temper under control, for now...
The doors open and we enter some kind of a command centre. There are two levels: lower one and the upper for high ranked Cons, which ended with some sort of a long platform with a large screen-like wall in front of it.
And there he stood...Megatron. I've heard about him but seeing Big guy in several steps away was a much more different feeling. Dark impenetrable silver armor every part of which ended in a sharp jagged piece of metal. His back was turned to our direction and he was giant! At least two times higher then me. I can't believe myself, but I'm ready to admit being nervous.
At the left, several metres away were standing a slim gray seeker, who was arrogantly looking at us, and cool looking red armored transformer with interest written on his faceplate. At Megatron's right was a dark blue emotionlessly standing transformer with his faceplate closed by a dark visor.
The one eyed con, who was leading us, kneeled and bowed. So did we.
"Lord Megatron, the mission is completed successfully." I heard his voice still looking down. Then giant steps nearly shook the floor.
"Very well, Breakdown." a rough voice said. I heard the one called Breakdown stood up and headed in direction of other two Cons, who were standing aside.
" Raise!" Megatron commanded and we obeyed. I looked up.
The WarLord's faceplate was cowered with scars and his optics were bloode red color. Several nanoclicks felt like nanocycles as he was scanning us with scratching look making me feel more and more miserable.
" Man, what are these thing you're wearing?!" The red con asked. Is he serious? The cleverest question in the univese! Well, let me explain the reason of his suprise . We used to live in techno-organic forest similar to Earth's jungles. It wasn't common for my kind to use massive armor because this caused us being slower and brought difficulties in climbing trees, hunting and other stuff. When we left our home we've been travelling from planet to planet and didn't matter if it was organic or not, that is where we've got organic materials. So here is how we look for now. We have no helms. Noble is the highest and a bit slim, but I'm telling you, when his energy levels are fine then bro becomes the fastest and the best skilled techno-organic of his age! His protoform is silver and as for his optics, we all have the same structure- our irise can be seen. Noble's are shining wight and are outlined with dark blue. He has some dark blue armor on his legs but no boots. Some dark leather belts are crossed on his chest (they were used to fix his weapon on his back). Me, I'm a bit shorter then Noble and a heavy built one. I have bronze protoform, orange optics with brown outline and some brown armor on my legs. Armor-like shells are placed on my shoulders and fixed by some kind of lians.There are also two dark leather belts on my chest. Freedom is a bit shorter then me. Although she's my twin we don't have a lot of similarities. She's slim and delicate, her protofor color is gold and you will never forget this beautiful primrose yellow optics outlined with light green color. Unlike Noble and me she has some dark green armor on her chest and legs. No boots as well. Harmony is half of Noble's height with wight protoform and outlined with light pink emerald optics. She has some green armor on chest, a brown leather skirt and no boots. By the way, we all had transforming spider legs placed at our backs. Ravage? There isn't much I can tell about: he is a black techno-organic panther, which is a bit higher then Hurmony. And... That might sound strange, but he is the oldest of us...
"The Earth must be not the first organic planet you have landed to." Megatron guested.
"Better say crashed" commented Breakdown but wards were cut by his Lord's glance.
"What is your name, youngling?" he asked looking at my brother.
"Noble, sir." he answered and was that Megatron's short laught that I heard?
" Do you know any human language?"
" Unfortunatly, we havent had a chance to learn one yet." of cource we haven't! We were kind of busy during the crash...
" I see...As I was informed, you are not Desepticons or Autobots. Tell me, Noble, how did that happen?"
" We used to live on Airachna 7. One day our living area was attached but we managed to escape. Since then we have been travelling from planet to planet searching for energy resources."
" You are very young. Have you been travelling alone?"
" Yes."
" What about your creators?"
" We have not seen our creator since the day of the attack."
" Our? Are you siblings?"
" Yes, sir."
" Ow... How touchable is that!" the gray seeker enturrupted with a noticeable sarcasm." Lord Megatron, may I ask why were you so interested in new arrivals. These techno-organics are nothing but sparklings! They are no use for us!" Ravage, who was sitting at Harmony's right, didn't like con's comment and being led by instincts he let out a quiet roar. This coused the seeker to step back but no doubt that he wasn't pleased by being cut by our friend and angrily glanced at him. Ravage...That's my boy!
" First of all, Starscream, I wasn't informed that they are THAT young. Secondly, did I give you permission to speak?" it looked like Megatron enjoyed Ravage's comment.
"What is this creature doing with you? Isn't it too deadly for being a pet for younglings?" megatron looked at Ravage
" Better say a part of a family." brother corrected.
" I see... But indeed, they are too young..." he turned his attention back to cons" Knockout what do you think?"
The red one, Knockout, stepped closer." My liege, I must say that we don't meet a techo-organic everyday. It is known that they become very good warriors with lots of abilities and these five, inspite of being just younglings, managed to survive for a realy long time..."
"I got your point. Soundwave?" the attention was turned to the faceless Con but instead of the answer he turned on the recording " 'Don't meet techno-organic everyday'...'managed to survive'" I think that they will want us to stay. It is a good thing, right?..
Then i heared Breakdown suddenly added with a grin " In addition, I have a burning desire to see Airachnid's faceplate when she hears about them..." and my spark flinched.
" Airachnid's?!" my sisters jumped in disbelief. I looked at my sublings in shock. Does that mean...?!
" Is she here?" I asked not thinking about the rules.
Our sudden reactions awoke War Lord's interest "Is that name familiar to you, youngling?" he asked looking at me.
"Y-yes. It is. Airachnid is the name of our creator." As this words escaped my voice box Megatron's optics widened.
"What?!" Starscream gasped nearly loosing his balance. As for other two, their jaws could have hit the floor. Megatron looked at them and turned his attention back to us as his surprised expression has already been replaced by a concerned one.
" This is getting more and more interesting..." he grinned "Soundwave! Where is Airachnid right now?" Some kind of a map appeared on con's visor and a red spot was quickly approaching to it's centre. "Breakdown! Take them to Airachnid's quarters. Soundwave order her to wait for me on the flying deck." I gave Noble a questionable look which ment 'what is going on here?!' unfortunatly, he understood as much as I did.
" B-b-but, my leige..." the seeker tried to collect himself " that is ridiculous! I meen this is Airachnid we are talking about!"
" Yeh, spider lady isn't a sparkling having type!!" I heard Breakdown's comment.
" Indeed, that is why I am personally dealing with this situation."

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