1. Goodbyes and New Beginnings

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Two years, eleven months, five days. That's the amount of time I've been away from my family back home in India. I came to London just so that I could complete my studies. I always wanted to travel to different places but leaving my family back in Mumbai is one thing that I never wanted. I guess that's the reason why my mom sent me here; just so I could get the hang of being without them.

"Riya, come down. Dinner's ready." That's my aunt, Lisa. She's my mom's sister. When she first heard that I was coming here, she strongly recommended I stay with them as it would be safer. I couldn't say no and neither could mom. Aunt Lisa is a lovely person. She is nothing like my mom who is rather very strict when it comes to children. But Aunt Lisa believes that being friends with them is the best way to make them a good person. You can always see Aunt doing some kind of work all the time; sometimes it is office work and at other times it's something to do with the backyard. In general, she is always busy.

"Just a minute", I quickly stopped the work I was doing and went downstairs to the dining hall. To my surprise, I found a lot of Indian Cuisine on the table. It's my favourite because it's the only thing that gives me the feeling of being at home. But as Aunt is always busy, she makes Indian food very rarely.

"Mom, why did you make so much food and that too Indian which you always say is hard to make. You prefer making something very simple and also plain." Tina says. She is Aunt Lisa's daughter and my best friend too. Well, one of my best friends. We both studied at the same University. She majored in Statistics whereas I was doing Journalism. Tina is someone with whom you could never have a dull moment. She is fun and responsible. When I first came here, she was a broken girl in a desperate need of finding love. Her father, who is basically my Uncle, had just passed away after fighting a battle with Cancer. She was really close to him. I met him only a few times but I knew he was a great person. I really wish he was with us today.

"First of all, my food isn't plain. Second of all, Riya is leaving tomorrow and I want this to be our best dinner." Aunt said giving me a small smile.

"You know you are making it too hard for me to leave you both," I say. I miss India but leaving London would be definitely hard. This place can now be counted as my second home.

"I know goodbyes are hard but we have to accept. We are not going to part forever. We would surely meet each other when we come to your home." Aunt said. That's one thing I would be feeling happy about.

After having dinner, which I dare say was nothing but great, I went back to my room to pack my remaining luggage for going back home tomorrow. Just as I was done packing I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

"Hey, all ready for tomorrow", Tina asked.

"Yeah, just a few things like the toothbrush and all are left. I can only do that tomorrow morning."

"I'm going to miss you." She said hugging me. I knew I would miss her too; never thought a day like this would come where I would be sad that I'm leaving these people. When I first came here I used to count the days for my time here to complete. That later went on to become a habit. "But we can't do anything about it now, Can we?" I asked her. "We can actually, but I know you want to go back. You did not even see your family during vacation. I think I can manage to live without hearing your voice but I don't think they will any longer. Especially that boyfriend of yours, he would be dying to see you again." She said laughing at the last sentence.

"If you are talking about Ryan then let me tell you he isn't my boyfriend. He is my best friend and I cannot imagine dating him at all." I said.

"Oh come on. The whole family knows you both are meant for each other. You guys look so cute whenever you are together. Did you observe anytime how his eyes lit up when he sees you? If you didn't, then observe when you meet him."

"I never saw that. You are just making up things. Aren't you? You surely like playing with me."

"Do you think I would play with you on a matter like this? I have more experience in the love department than you have Riya." She said removing suitcase from the bed and placing it aside. "Oh man! How many things did you keep in this suitcase? It's so damn heavy." This girl must definitely do some workout, that suitcase is far from being heavy.

"Don't you have anything else to do other than being here and talking about my love life which basically doesn't exist," I asked praying she would drop this subject soon.

"Actually I came to talk about mine." Thank God, Something else to talk about. Wait. Did she just say her love life? "What Happened?" I asked now turning to face her. "Nothing that's important. I'm just not in good terms with my boyfriend lately, we've been having way too many fights. I think it's time for us to break up now. It's not like we love each other deeply. No one would be heartbroken after the breakup for sure." She said leaning on the head of the bed. "Did you try talking to him? What did he say?" I asked suddenly being curious about this little ordeal of theirs. "I did but we aren't able to reach a conclusion. We just somehow stopped spending more time with each other and when we meet, we just fight." Tara said thinking. "If you feel like your relationship isn't working anymore then I suggest you both break up but if there is any chance to continue it then try sorting it out," I said giving the best advice I could.


"Now get out of my room and let me sleep. I need to wake up early tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going. No need to push me out of the room. Goodnight!" Tina said getting up and going out of the room. I locked the door and just sat on the bed for some time thinking about how everything is going to change from tomorrow. Is it bad that I am a bit scared now?

God... Just make sure everything goes well.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was thinking about tomorrow. I tried stopping myself but all the efforts went in vain. How would it be when I reach India tomorrow? Will everything be the same? What if everyone forgets me? These were only a few questions that were roaming in my head. I tried not to overthink but all efforts went in vain. But somehow by the middle of the night, I fell asleep.

Next day I woke up soon and got ready to go to the airport at eight. My flight was at noon. I chose to wear a plain white T-Shirt with black jeans and wedges. I seem to like these colours more. I picked up all my suitcases and took it down to the living room. Aunt Lisa kept my breakfast ready on the table. It was a cheese sandwich, perfect for a small breakfast. Tina soon came down. We had decided that only Tina would come to drop me at the airport as Aunt had to go to the office for an important meeting.

"I'm sorry I can't be there at the airport to send you off. You know how important this meeting is, right?" Aunt told me giving me a hug.

"I know and there is no need for you to worry. Tina will be there with me and that's more than enough."

"Thank you so much for understanding. Have your breakfast soon so that you can leave already."

I then soon had my breakfast and Tina kept my entire luggage in the car. The ride to the airport was filled with silence. I knew they would miss me and so would I.

I bid goodbye to Tina at the airport. I could tell she wasn't ready for me to leave. I could see tears swell up in her eyes. I gave her a hug for the last time and went in.

While waiting for the announcement, I started to think about Ryan. He said he would come to pick me up from the airport but I wouldn't rely on that. My conversation with Tina started to pop up in my mind. Was there really a spark in his eyes whenever he sees me? Of course, there is a spark; a spark of seeing your best friend. I'm sure there is nothing more. Suddenly there came an announcement calling the passengers of the plane I was boarding. I took my handbag and made my way towards the gate.

Few more hours to go and then there wouldn't be a moment I would waste to meet everyone.

I am coming... 

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