Talking to the Moon

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Inspired by the Bruno Mars song. 


"You're an idiot." She says, pouting.

"But I'm your idiot." He grins cheekily, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"That is undisputed." Finally cracking a smile, a look of total adoration and love in her eyes. 

So, where did they go wrong?

She left, taken from him so suddenly, no regard for the mess she left behind. 

She was all he had, and when she left, she took all of him with her. She left nothing, but a shell. He had loved her so fully and wholly, that he knows little else of life without her. Without her, his life seems like passing motions. Meaningless actions that bring him no feeling, other than hollow melancholy, deep in his heart.

"When we're apart, I'll whisper my words to the moon, and she'll tell you what I said. Whisper your words back, and she'll let me know." 

So he does.

He talks to the moon when the sun goes down, and the streets go dark. His neighbours whisper in the corridor when they see him. They don't understand. How could they? 

Well, if they asked, he would say that he hopes that his lost love is listening on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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