A new beginning

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Loredas, Sun's dawn, 28th, 4E 200

11:26 am

"And when you place it to your mouth like this and blow..."

Neyya listened to the smooth melody that cooed from the leaf inside her father's lips. As his tune played, the local wildlife gathered, and seemed to almost bask in the music. She giggled as the tiny rabbits brushed her lap with their fur. They didn't flee when she stroked their long ears, as they seemed to be in a trance almost.

Nallinir removed the leaf from his face, and the tune came to a halt. The animals of the forest squeaked, cheered, and bellowed, much like an audience at a show. After a few moments, the cheering died down and the crowd dispersed, save the one rabbit that now seemed to take a liking to Neyya.

"That was truly beautiful father." She smirked, the melody still fresh in her mind.

"I played that song for your mother when we first met," Nallinir responded, and gazed up into the trees, recalling his memories.

"Then what happened?"

"You did, my dear." Nallinir quirked, before giving a small, hearty chuckle.

Together they took a moment to enjoy his whim, but after said moment, they took a more serious mood, in remembrance of her passing.

In the midst of their solemn silence, a loud horn sound blared across the sky and rang in Neyya's ears. It was a sound she knew well, but also one she hoped she didn't have to hear. Within mere moments, the two were up and hoping from tree to tree, in the direction of their village.

Who would attack our little village? Why would they do this? What do they want? All these questions and more buzzed in Neyya's head, but no answers were to come.

Upon arriving at the village, the two were immediately stopped by one of the scouts.

"Nallinir, thank the divines you're here!"

"What's happening?"

"One of the hunters just came back with news... Molag Bal's wizards are approaching, and they've got an army of angry atronachs!"

"Okay, okay, get everyone calm and ready to fight, we can hold them off. Neyya..." He turned and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, you have to get out of here honey. Warn the other villages and flee to Skyrim, I will come find you when it is safe."

"Papa... No. I can't, I... I need to stay here and help you... I..." Tears ran like rivers down her cheeks. "I don't want to lose you too..."

"Neyya..." Nallinir wiped off the tears from Neyya's face. "I'll be fine, everyone will be fine, we just need to make sure the others know. There is no more important job than this. Valenwood is in your hands."

With a sniffle and a nod, Neyya took off, jumping from town to town, warning everyone of the imminent attack. Once she reached the edge of Valenwood, she climbed the tallest tree in sight and looked back. Inside the thick of magic and arrows she could just barely make out her own village.

It was in flames.

With a hard swallow, she turned back around, and headed towards Skyrim, as she was told.

Neyya walked and walked for what seemed like hours. She walked until her legs could no longer walk, and with home in mind, she collapsed onto the hard cobble ground, and passed out.

The Brute, the Thief, and the Awkward (Skyrim Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora