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Day 10- You

               Lisa wasn’t at school the next morning.

               I wasn’t going to lie and say that I wasn’t disappointed that she wasn’t here. I was almost looking forward to see her today, and see what she had planned for me. Everything she has done for me so far had made me so much happier. I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she never found me standing on the edge of that cliff a week ago.

               All I know is that I would’ve missed out on throwing eggs at her in her uncle’s bakery, getting accepted into Yang University with a full scholarship, and most importantly, just being with Lisa.

               A shiver went down my spine, as I gulped nervously.

               Did I just admit that I liked Lisa?

               No, I kept telling myself. I couldn’t like Lisa. She was only trying to save my life because she felt bad for me. I didn’t like her, and I never would. But I couldn’t help but contradict myself, because during the entire day at school, I couldn’t help but wish that she was here today.

               After school, I mustered up the courage to walk up to one of the guys that I always saw Lisa around, Bambam. I always saw them chuckling with each other, and I’ve even seen them outside of school just hanging out. I assumed that Bambam was one of Lisa's closest friends. He must’ve known where Lisa was today.

               Bambam was leaning against his red Porsche Carrera, laughing loudly at something one of the guys he was around had said. I let out a deep breath of air, approaching Bambam. He didn’t notice me until I stood clear in front of him.

               He tilted his head up, staring at me with his brown eyes confused. “Can I help you?” he asked. His tone wasn’t harsh or cold, which I had expected it to be. His voice was almost welcoming, yet there was curiosity lingering from the tip of his tongue.

               I stared uncomfortably at the three other guys that all had their eyes on me. Bambam must’ve noticed that I didn’t want them around, so with one nod, they all walked away from Bambam and I.

              Bambam turned back to me, raising an eyebrow, as if he were trying to signal for me to say something. I licked my lips, sighing. “Do you know where Lisa is today?”

               Bambam stared at me blankly, before his brown eyes began to roam over my face. He stared at me with such intense eyes, if he was trying to read what I was thinking. “Who are you?”

               I gulped. That was certainly not the answer I was hoping to get. I was expecting him to just tell me where Lisa was. I wasn’t expecting for him to ask me who I was, and why I wanted to see Lisa. “Jennie. I’m just a friend of Lisa's.”

               Bambam's eyes suddenly widened, as if he recognized who I was. “You’re Jennie? Jennie Kim?”

               I nodded slowly. “That’s me.”

               Bambam's lips parted, as he let out a cough, clearing his throat. Suddenly, his lips started to move, but no voice came out from him. I stared at his lips intently, trying to read what he was mumbling about. I made out the words as numbers. His lips stopped moving when he counted to ten.

               “Day ten.” He whispered to himself, before his eyes locked back into mine. “Today is day ten.”

               Lisa told Bambam about our deal? I wasn’t surprised, though. They were best friends. I just assumed that the deal was only between the two of us, since Lisa never mentioned that she told other people. I suddenly frowned. Who else did she tell?

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