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Day 5- The Boardwalk

              Lisa didn’t come by the next afternoon, like I had expected her to. She usually came by an hour or two after school, but today she didn’t. Instead, she came by during the night time, around ten, to be exact. The nuns have already seen enough of Lisa to know who she was. When one of the younger nuns called me downstairs, I found Lisa sitting on one of the couches while a bunch of the smaller girls surrounded her.

               “Are you Jennie’s prince charming?” a toothless seven year old asked Lisa, as she chuckled.

               “I sure am.” I heard Lisa say, which made my ears perk up.

               The toothless girl gasped, before bursting into a misfit of giggles. “But girls are icky! They have cooties!”

               Lisa chuckled, ruffling the little girl’s messy blonde head of hair. “Not when you’re a prince.”

               I had enough of what I heard, as I popped out from behind the wall. I approached Lisa, dragging her away from the little crowd of girls. “Let’s go, Lisa.” I muttered.

               “Are you going to bring Jennie to your magical kingdom now?” another squeaky voice asked, making my cheeks warm up.

               “How did you guys guess?” Lisa joked.

               “Shouldn’t you girls be in bed?” Mother Bom appeared from the doorway, crossing her arms. Immediately, all of the girls hurried out of the living room, turning off the television on the way. Mother Bom gave me a wink before she stepped out to follow the girls upstairs. She probably wanted to make sure they brushed their teeth and were tucked in bed.

               I pulled Lisa out to the front lobby of the orphanage, crossing my arms as I stared at her accusingly. “The girls will bug me forever about you, now.” I sighed. “What are you even doing here this late?”

               Lisa smiled lightly. “I want to take you somewhere.”

               I frowned, as my suspicions rose. “You aren’t actually taking me to a magical kingdom, are you?”

               Lisa laughed, shaking her head as she led me outside of the orphanage. She unlocked her car, and opened the passenger door for me. “No.” she paused, to get into the driver’s seat. “Just wait and see.”

               I crossed my arms, staring outside the window as Lisa began to drive. Moments later, I noticed that we were in the parking lot of the boardwalk just a few minutes out of our town. The lights were all lit up today, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the Ferris wheel.

               “You took me to the boardwalk?” I frowned.

               Lisa smiled, nodding. “I used to go all time as a kid. But I stopped a while ago.”

               “Why?” I asked, staring up at Lisa.

               Lisa wasn’t staring at me, though. Instead, her hazel eyes were dazed and distant, as she stared at all of the flashing lights. I couldn’t help but noticed how much brighter her hazel eyes looked under all of the lights. It was the type of eye that almost looked unreal.

               “Lisa?” I gave her a light push. “Are you okay?”

               Lisa snapped out of her thoughts, as her eyes dropped down to me. It looked as if she just remembered that I was right next to her. “I’m fine.” She licked her lips, putting a forced smile across her face. I frowned, as Lisa pulled me towards the rollercoaster that didn’t look too friendly. “You aren’t scared of rollercoaster’s, are you?”

Reasons ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now