Even still, her arm moved over an inch.

Another inch.

Heat radiated from Rhen's skin, warming Jinji as her hand shifted closer.

Stop, she commanded, but her wayward fingers disobeyed, pressing even closer, until she was sure their hairs were touching, tickling.

A creak sounded from above.

The thud of footsteps.

Jinji balled her fingers into a fist, hugging her arms close to her chest. Her ears were alert, listening for any and all sound.

Boots pounded closer. Multiple sets.

Muffled voices dropped through the floorboards.

The Ourthuri were right above them, pacing, searching, shouting in anger.

Yet, somehow, Jinji felt calm. Deep in her heart, she knew the spirits would not have brought her so far just to fail her now—she had to trust in them. And in Rhen, in his decision. The two were all she had left. 

Gradually, the sounds grew softer.

They faded away.

Until silence and darkness circled Jinji and Rhen once more.

This time, Rhen did not break the quiet. So Jinji sat, imagining daylight, using all of her strength to keep her hands still—to keep them from weaving the illusion of light just so she could escape the shadows.

After a while, the ground below her shifted. The gentle sway of water roughened. The bounces became choppy. They flew higher, landed harder.

It could only mean one thing—they had set sail.

They were free.

A grin took over Jinji's face.

Boots sounded above them, but no fear flooded her system. The desk scraped against the wood above her head, roaring in her ear. And the trap door opened, gloriously invading Jinji's vision with the sun.

Rhen climbed out first while Jinji continued taking deep breaths of the fresh air coming in through the open window.

A hand reached down, gripping hers, and Jinji was airborne as the shadows fell away behind her.

"We passed the inspection, Prince Whylrhen," Captain Jelaric said, his voice light with amusement.

Rhen smirked. "I had no doubt. What other nooks do you have tucked away on this ship?"

The captain winked, bowing deeply. "I'm afraid that is a secret that cannot be shared."

"Even with your prince?"

"Especially with my prince, my Lord."

Rhen nodded in understanding. "Have no fear, the king will not hear of your extra pursuits because of me, not after this."

"Many thanks, Prince Whylrhen. I suggest you stay below decks until Da'astiku fades from sight. My chambers will be yours for the rest of the journey until we reach Rayfort. Do make yourself comfortable."

"Will you have food brought? My stomach grows hungrier by the second," Rhen said, his belly rumbling in agreement.

"Right away, my Lord." The captain bowed and backed away, not turning until he reached the door. It closed quickly with a resounding bang.

Immediately, Rhen sighed heavily and ran a hand through his curling hair. He turned to Jinji, eyebrows slightly raised. "This is going to be a long trip."

The Shadow Soul (A Dance of Dragons #1)Where stories live. Discover now