Romans beauty was more severe. He had sharp features and although he was gorgeous, it wasn't welcoming and warm like we have those beauty. It was more intimidating, and you could even go so far as to say he was the beautiful darkness. The Chris pure silence that meet you late at night when you're alone and everything looks differently yet the same. That feeling that something might be watching you from the shadows.

"Where's Nadia Marcus?" Roman asked the man cooking.

My mouth was watering from its wonderful aroma. I'd never had a chef before, and suddenly felt the need to get one myself. I had money, but I never hired help around the house, feeling like it was lazy but maybe having people do things for you, wasn't that terrible. He was cooking some type of stirfry with noodles and veggies as well as some type of meat. Chicken maybe? I didn't know how to ask for food, and felt weird assuming I can just have some, so I tried to push my hunger back in my mind.

"She's with Elise in the library learning a new language." He said in a deep warm voice.

"Another one?" Roman chuckled. "English, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and Latin wasn't enough?"

"Wow, she knows words in all those languages?" I asked.

"No she knows them all fluently."

"I wonder if she's like me then," i wondered out loud, more to myself than anyone in particular.

"How so? Oh I'm rude. Marcus this is the love of my life and new mother for Nadia, Letha this is Marcus, our chef. I want you to feel at home here. Everything I have is yours as well." Roman said earnestly.

"Just how once I see something or read it, I remember it forever. I speak all those languages as well as Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese, Lithuanian, German, Italian and Greek."

Marcus's eyes shot up to look at me, and you could see the total shock that Romans words caused. he stared at me for a moment before recovering his composure and smiling uncomfortably "wonderful to meet you." He attempted to hide his discomfort.

"Daddy!!!" A shrill little voice ring out, as a little girl came running full speed across the living room and without hesitation launched herself through the air and into Romans arms giggling like a maniac. Roman lit up as soon as he heard her voice and was giggling as wildly as she. I'd never seen a more beautiful moment in my life and almost felt as though I was an intruder and should go. But at the same time, i wanted to run over to them and hug and kiss them both, while we all giggled like maniacs and fell to the floor in a big happy heap.

"Well then come give us a hug Mommy?" Nadia said turning to me with her arm open to bring me in an embrace.

Roman stopped laughing immediately and looked between Nadia and I like he'd just been slapped.

"Oh Daddy, I love you too and I can see you brought me a wonderful good Mommy that loves you and wants me to love her as well. She has nothing but good intentions for the both of us and there's something special about her I haven't felt since I was inside my Mother."

I slowly walked over to them and embraced them both. Nadia was completely comfortable, but Roman and I were both not 100%. I understood she could see thoughts, but I wasn't prepared for how matter of fact she was about everything. And then there was the fact she had just called me mommy. Did she call every woman mommy? I wasn't sure, and I didn't want to get my hopes up.
"Don't be silly mommy. I only call you mommy because that's what you are and you wholeheartedly wish to be. I know my mother loved me and daddy very much, and although she wanted to stay, her body was unable to contain her energy and was damaged beyond repair. Daddy is the best daddy that loved mother and me. He loves you but in a different way than mother and I. I know my nanny Elise is a good woman that we employ to care for me since I had no mother. she cares for me and has a crush on daddy but she's afraid of us at heart. Marcus is our chef and he thinks I'm very creepy and we all make him uncomfortable. but he is married to Tia our housekeeper, so he is here To protect her, which I think is very admirable. Tia thinks I am a real angel child and that daddy is a fallen angel. She thinks God wants her to watch over us and love us to bring us back home to the light. She believes her faith protects us from the darkness, and that's just sentimental and adorable. Don't you think?"
Everyone looked a bit uncomfortable, but truthfully I thought it was borderline hilarious. I tried to keep my composure, but couldn't help but feel honored that this miraculous little oracle child, considered me worthy to call me Mommy.

"Daddy let me down, I need to show Mommy something." Roman obliged and set her down.

She was the most beautiful child I'd ever seen. her eyes were an eery blue like my uncle had described and long chocolate colored hair like her father. She had a cute little button nose, pouty lips, and soft features like her mother. She was so pretty she almost didn't look real. It's as if she was a very high-quality doll that had sprung to life.

"Oooh your uncle is an Angel? I'd very much like to meet him." Nadia said sweetly.

This was going to take some getting used to.

"What are you going to show me sweetie?" I asked her. I had never been so enthralled with anything as I was this little girl. She was magnetic and had this otherworldly confidence that made her seem wise and mature although she wasn't even three.

"Our future." She stated Giving me a little wink and taking my hand. She led me to the staircase and ascended the stairs pulling me behind. "I'm so glad daddy finally found you he needed you since before I can remember, and just like you, I remember everything."

I wondered if she was an Angel or Demon species. I honestly didn't know what the difference between the two of them was, or even if there were more variations or breeds of human like species. She came from an Upir and a human though, so wouldn't that make her an Upir? What was it that made one of these powerful dangerous children? Looking at her, it was impossible to think of her as dangerous in the slightest, but if the vibrant blue eyed children all shared the same traits and abilities, then she was probably the most dangerous person on the planet. You knew you'd protect her with your life tho with absolute certainty. That thought came as a shock, especially considering you're general apathy towards children. You didn't dislike them, but didn't particularly like them either, but here you'd met this girl mere minutes ago and loved her.

"I'm not an Angel, nor Demon, nor Upir, or human. Never has a name been given to those that came before me. The only thing we have ever inspired was fear."

"Well I'm not afraid of you." I said with absolute confidence. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew in my heart that she'd never hurt me.

Nadia froze and then slowly turned around, obviously deep in thought. She looked right through me, as if she was watching something unfold behind me. I turned around to see if there was anything to see, but just as I suspected only found a plain wall, that didn't even have any artwork or type of distraction. As if someone flipped a switch, she snapped her eyes to mine, and I felt a strange stirring in my stomach. I also felt a faint tickle in my head, suddenly realizing she was literally sorting through my mind and memories. Possibly even my future. Is free will just a joke at our own expense? Is our destiny written before we even take our first breath?

"What a scary thought Mommy!" She giggled.
"Can I ask you questions? Will you tell me the answers of you know them?"
Nadia looked thoughtful for a moment. "Most of them. Some answers will be too much for you to know the answer to."
I nodded my head, accepting the fact that we often do ask questions, that we can't handle the answers to. I tried not to pity Nadia, but I couldn't help but to wonder what it must be like to see people transparently. There's a lot of ugliness in the world, and people were capable of doing some terrible things.
"Especially Daddy."
"Your Daddy loves you so much and he's good at heart I think. He just had a very strange affliction."
"No he has a great darkness in him, but light always destroys the dark as long as it has a power source. That's why I'm so glad he finally found you. You're pure light."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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