Zeyu spent the entire day studying on a phone. Which parent? He couldn't remember.

"Zeyu?" Zeyu hummed back, looking up silently.

"Would you like to come see a movie with me?" Jinyoung sat on the bed, clearly excited. Zeyu reminded himself to act suprised.

Zeyu tilted his head, "What movie?" He then searched the name online.. He got quiet, "You're an actor?"

"I also sing!" Jinyoung smiled.

Zeyu nodded, "I want to go."

"Great! What would you like to do before we go?"

Zeyu scrolled through his phone before showing Jinyoung a picture of a high class clothes store, "Here?"

"I know of a different place we can go to. I think you'll still like it."

Zeyu handed the phone over and Jinyoung typed up the store. He liked that one too, and started scrolling through on the website. When they went to the store he started rushing to find certain clothes. Zeyu had a personal style that he could never really show at the orphanage.

Now, Zeyu wouldn't stop smiling every time he tried something on. Even when the pants were a little too baggy. Or the shirt had too long of sleeves, he was happy. He also did a few poses before breaking into giggles.

"I think this one's my favorite." Jinyoung had been watching the entire time, clapping for each outfit.

Zeyu spin around in the monochrome outfit, "It's cool."

"Yeah, very cool. Which one is your favorite?"

"This one. Can I get it?"

"Of course you can! It looks great on you!"

Zeyu looked at his changing room, "What about you?"


"Your clothes?"

"Oh," Jinyoung checked his watch, "I can pick out something. Actually, you pick something for me."

"Really?!" His eyes lit up, smiling with pure bliss. He was a little fashionista. He rushed around the store, getting more than several items, and have Jinyoung try them on. Different combinations, different accessories, different palettes, several changes were required.

Zeyu finally found an outfit he was happy with. It was one that matched his. Jinyoung almost cried when he noticed that they were matching. He pulled Zeyu over to the mirror, taking a picture of both of them and sending it to Jackson and Mark.

Now content with his outfit, Zeyu let Jinyoung purchase the clothes and they drove to the theater. Once outside Jinyoung made his way to the side of the parking lot, away from the cameras.

"I won't be able to walk into the theater with you. The paparazzi and movie director want me to pose for some pictures."

"It's okay, it's your job." Zeyu was happily examining his clothes. He was a little sad, but knowing that his dad was famous made him happy again.

"You won't be upset going inside on your own?"

Zeyu shook his head, "Jackson is scared of so many pictures of me. I don't want to make him worry. Where am I going?" There had been a long talk about this before they left.

Jinyoung pulled out his phone to call someone. Zeyu waited calmly until a man with wide shoulders came

"Wow, so handsome. But I'm better." He introduced himself after his comment, making Zeyu chuckle. Jin shooed Jinyoung away, holding Zeyu's hand and beginning the walk.

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